Am I a Metahuman?

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It was now December, and I still hate the cold. Not much has happened, other than the fact that Thalia was here now. Alex hasn't stopped threatening me and Michael, but everyone else has. Not that there were many before, anyways.

As for now, we were driving to Maine. And by we, I mean me, Thalia, Michael, and Bianca. Estelle was staying back in camp with Lee, Nico, Silena, Katie, Travis, Connor—basically everyone we knew was watching her. We were in Michael's car, which he bought not too long ago. It was a black Dodge Challenger, normal enough. What wasn't normal was what he chose for music. There was electronic music, Christmas, Panic! At the Disco, rap, Imagine Dragons, all sorts of stuff. He seemed to have bought CDs at some time while having his car as well.

We drove through the snowy hills, singing and all out having a great time. It was vastly different from the last time I was on this trip. For one, I was asleep for it this first time. And neither Bianca nor Michael were on the trip, much less giving directions and driving the car, respectively. Thalia and I were in the back seats, talking and staring out the windows.

Finally, we pulled up to Westover Hall. It was the same, dark, castle-like building with the same looming, terror-filling towers and outlook. Bianca noticeably shivered at the sight of the place, but Michael not-so-subtly laid his hand on hers, which helped her relax.

He wasn't as sly as he thought he was when it came to this.

After filing out of the car, we looked up at the seemingly oppressive building. Magnificent, yet terrifying. Michael blew out a breath before marching onward through the snow, leaving us to follow him.

He held the door open for us as we walked in, closing the door after I was in. We brushed the snow off our jackets and hats as we looked around. It had been a while since I was last here, so I only remembered a little. It had the same military academy feel, but unlike before, Grover was nowhere to be seen.

Two teachers suddenly appeared at the end of the hallway. I recognized the heterochromia of Dr. Thorn. And that meant...oh yeah! He had two different colored eyes. I only know that because of Michael. He was like an Athena child with his vocabulary, though a little bit more vulgar. And Spanish.

He walked towards us with the other teacher, whatever her name was, I don't remember. They scanned us, looking for any reason for us not to be here. Thalia didn't give them time as she stepped forward and snapped her fingers, the Mist rippling from her.

"We are Thalia, Michael, Bianca, and Percy," she stated quickly. "We are supposed to be here, and we had just been dropped off for the party."

The female teacher blinked, the Mist changing her thought process. Dr. Thorn, on the other hand, narrowed his eyes as the Mist washed over him.

"Mrs. Gottschalk," Dr. Thorn said, "do you know these children?"

"Yes," she answered, her voice sounding far away. "I believe I do. Why are you not in the gymnasium already? Go on." She ushered us past them, and I glanced back at Thorn's narrowed eyes. I knew he wasn't fooled by the Mist trick, but it was worth the effort Thalia put in.

We made our way to the gymnasium, glancing over our shoulders every few seconds. When we reached the doors, we stopped and stared.

"I wonder who's child they will be," Michael mused aloud. "Maybe a Titan born like that Zoe you lot were telling me about."

"Not very likely," Thalia retorted before pushing the doors open. We walked in and realized how much of a difference a few years makes. Michael and I were taller than absolutely everyone, and even Bianca and Thalia looked older than the kids here.

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