Chapter 25: Xanny

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I gave Laur a sympathetic smile, "Yeah, of course. You and I can put a movie on if you like, yeah?"

She nodded, "Please?"

"Sure, love." She turned on the tv and then handed me the remote. I put on Doctor Sleep, knowing it was one of Lauren's favorite movies.

"Wanna cuddle?" I offered. Lauren nodded, snuggling close to me as she watched the movie.

About half of the movie had played and I was surprised that Lauren was still awake and watching it, "Laur, are you not tired?"

"I I uhh, yeah... little bit," she slurred, not taking her eyes off of the screen.

I raised an eyebrow, "Lauren?"

She looked at me, "Mmm?"

"Did you take anything? I'm not upset if you did, I'd just rather know," I questioned her. I knew by Lauren's hesitated response and loss of eye contact with me when I asked that, she had taken something.

I gently lifted her chin so she was looking at me again, "Dems told me what happened, it's okay. I'm not upset, just concerned. Did you take Xanax?"

She nodded, "I I just felt like I was... like I was gonna keep having panic attacks and I I just wanted to sleep." Tears brimmed Lauren's eyes; I could tell that she meant what she said and that she was seriously anxious and stressed out about the entire situation at hand.

"How many did you have?" I inquired.

"Um, I... three?"

I nodded in acknowledgment, "Okay, maybe let's just have one or two next time though," I said softly as I pulled her closer and ran my fingers through her hair, "It's alright, why don't you close your eyes and let yourself sleep, okay? Like I said, I'm not upset or anything and I'll stay in here with you and Camz tonight. You don't need to worry yourself. Let yourself relax and get some sleep." Lauren nodded, closing her eyes as I continued to play with her hair until she had fallen asleep.

When I was sure that she was sleeping well, I closed my eyes with hopes of sleeping until the morning.

*Time skip - 4 am*

I woke up to cries interrupting the silence of the darkened bedroom. I turned over towards Camila, surprised to see her still asleep. I quickly realized that it was Lauren. I sat up, gently shaking Lauren, who sat up screaming incoherently and hyperventilating. Demi quickly came into the room, Ally and Normani following.

"It's alright, Lauren, it was just a dream," I whispered.

She looked around frantically, "W-where's Camz?!" Lauren cried in her half-asleep state.

Demi came and sat in front of Lauren, steadying her, "Hey, shh. Look, Mila is right there next to Dinah. Breathe, love... It's okay."

Camila sat up due to the commotion, calmly looking around, "W-what's happening?"

Taken aback that Camila didn't seem to be in her headspace, I explained, "Lauren had a bad dream, everything's okay, Mila." Camila looked concerned, repositioning herself next to Lauren, who immediately embraced Camila.

Camila allowed it, hugging Lauren, "Lauren, it's okay. It was just a dream. Just like you tell me, yeah?"

Lauren nodded and sniffled, "Y-yeah. I'm sorry baby, I I didn't mean to uh wake you up."

Camila tilted her head, "Don't be sorry. I wake you up lots when I have bad dreams. It's okay. Maybe we should go back to sleep though. Cuddles?" Lauren sighed and nodded in her groggy state, laying back down with Camila, cuddling up with her. I was relieved when the both of them quickly fell back asleep.

"What just happened?" Mani asked quietly.

"You guys were pretty much here for all of it. I doubt Laur will even remember tomorrow that she woke up like that," I responded.

"Why do you say that?" Ally asked me.

"She took three Xanax and then she fell asleep pretty hard," I told the girls.

Demi sighed, "Ugh, I'm worried about her," she confessed.

"Me too, but after all of this is over and done with, I'm sure everything will be just fine. We'll just keep a bit of a closer eye out for that kind of thing. You know how Laur is when she's stressed this bad. She tends to try to escape that feeling. She likes to be in control of those kinds of things. I don't really blame her for that. As long as she knows that Camila is safe we should be able to keep her stress and anxiety at a minimum," Mani suggested.

I nodded, "You're right, Mani," I yawned, "I'm gonna try and get some more sleep since they've both fallen back asleep, I told Lauren that I would stay in here with them tonight."

I hugged the girls and we exchanged sweet goodnights before they all head off to bed once more. I laid down, facing Lauren and Mila, thankful that they continued sleeping peacefully as I slowly drifted off to sleep myself.

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