Mitch Grassi

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36. His name means who is like god.

37. Someone asked him "when did you realise you were gay?" He replied "the moment I entered the world."(twitter, 22/9/14. HE SLAYSSSSSSS)

38. He laughs REALLY hard around hot guys. "when hot guys are around @mitchgrassi he laughs really hard at their jokes" Scott says...

39. He likes algebra in high school and thought that it was fun "Algebra is kinda fun!" he said in an interview. (10 facts you didn't know about PTX by

40. There was once an Uber driver thought Mitch was a girl and drove past him 3 times. He texted Scott saying " Literally my uber driver thought I was a woman and drove by me THREE TIMES because he didn't know I was a man lmao" then Scott said "lmfaooo" (2 june 2013)


Yellow!! Late update as it was a busy day hahaha but here it is, hurhur. Just had my last Christmas family party and I may or may not have drank a little wine. BYE.

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