Chapter 7: Loose Ends

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Chapter Seven:
Loose Ends

Caroline was not surprised to find out that Shawn and Paul lived together. Like most of the homes on the rez, they had a little bit of land and their neighbors were far enough away that there was a sense of privacy when you were wandering around the yard.

Caroline stepped out of the car the same time Shawn opened her front door. "Well, look at what the cat dragged in," the older girl smirked.

"I think you need some new grass," she gestured to the patchy areas and dirt spots. "Looks like an animal had a field day here."

Shawn laughed, "a whole pack of them. Come on in before it decides to ran on ya."

She grabbed herself and Caroline and beer and beckoned her to sit on the couch. "I see you're still borrowing Bella's car."

"Your eyes do not deceive you." Caroline said as she took in the house. It was small, two bedrooms. It was deceptively clean, almost like no one lived there. She didn't think Paul was a slob or anything, but it did strike her as an interesting character trait to have. Seeing as Shawn threw both bottle caps on the ground in the kitchen, she had a feeling the cleanliness was Paul's doing, not his girlfriends.

"Any idea when you'll be getting a new one?"

"A used one," Caroline corrected. "Forks and La Push aren't exactly crawling with great offers. I might have to get help from Quil and Embry. And Jake," she added as an afterthought.

If Shawn noticed the addition, she didn't say anything, but she gave a coy smile that told Caroline she most certainly did notice. "Paul just left for work - as I'm sure you figured out. Why don't we take her out for a spin? No one is here to stop us," she grinned.

Caroline took another swig. "Got any places?"

"I can think of a few."

She arched an eyebrow and nodded to the fridge. "How many more beers you got in there?"

Shawn smiled devilishly. "Enough to last us the whole night."

Caroline nodded. With a wink, she tipped her bottle back and downed the rest of the Bud Light. "Alright, then let's pack that puppy up and take her to your place before we start any more of those beers." Shawn killed her beer just then and wiped her mouth. "This isn't a makeout spot, is it?" Caroline asked.

"You wish, Talltree." She shook her head and laughed.

The girls packed up Bella's car with a couple of cold six packs in a styrofoam cooler along with some snacks, they grabbed a tarp and some blankets and hoped the rain would hold like the weatherman predicted so they could sit for a bit.

Caroline now understand why Paul was so against Shawn driving Bella's car. The girl drove like a madwoman. She could drift like Caroline had never seen, making all of the driving sequences in Fast and Furious seem like child's play.

They drove around - whipped around was more like it - for thirty minutes before Shawn put the car in park at the top of a cliff. "When the weather gets better," she grabbed a six pack and stepped out of the car, Caroline close behind her, "we like to jump off these cliffs."

Caroline opened up the bottle Shawn handed her and gulped. "Off this cliff?" She asked, glancing over the edge.

"What's the matter, Talltree?" She smirked, taking a swig. "Never gone cliff jumping before?"

"Sure I have," she defended. "But nothing like this! What is this? Six stories?" She would need a couple more beers before she would consider even standing on the very edge of one of these cliffs, let alone jumping from it.

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