Chapter 6: Kick Me When I'm Down

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Chapter Six:
Kick Me When I'm Down

Caroline was late to dinner, and, it would seem, so was Billy. He called and told Jake he had thought he said 6:30 and he had stopped by Old Quil's place to finish up some tribal business. He insisted it wouldn't be long - but Old Quil was a bit of a talker so to make themselves comfortable.

But as Caroline sat on the couch in the Black house she was anything but comfortable. She pushed herself up against one end, while Jake and his massive body took up one half. She was careful not to touch him as they watched the basketball game in silence. A few times Jake seemed like he was going to speak but then thought better of it and shut his mouth.

Good, she thought. If they kept this up, she wouldn't have to say anything to him before Billy arrived. She took this time to look around. The house was cluttered but not dirty. Jackets seemed to be laid over the furniture more often then hung up on the coat rack. Shoes were flung around near the door but otherwise didn't make it far into the house.

It was small, but cozy.

They had just reached halftime when the quiet was disturbed.

Jake stood up and headed towards the kitchen. "Want any water?" He asked.

She looked up at him, finally getting a good look at him since she had arrived. He looked awful. His hair was disheveled and he had bags under his eyes. The frown etched into his face wasn't annoyed like hers was. It was sad. He raised an eyebrow to her and she realized she hadn't responded, "oh, uh, yes please." He nodded and turned to the sink. He was shirtless, which seemed to be a regular thing with the men of La Push, or at least the ones Jake hung out with.

Her face flushed and she looked away when Jake turned back around and caught her staring. She didn't look at him when she grabbed the glass from him but she didn't miss that his face seemed to brighten a bit when their fingers brushed.

Around 7:15 the phone rang. Jake got up to answer it but Caroline could already guess who it was. Billy apologized profusely, saying he and Old Quil had simply lost track of time. He told Jake to make them some food and that he would reschedule with Caroline soon so she could hear her story.

The story she said her father told her when she was young. She thumbed the amulet in her pocket and sighed. She wondered if maybe Jake knew anything about it. She followed Jake into the kitchen and sat on one of the stools at the counter. "So what'll it be, Chef?" She asked.

He gave her a small smile and she felt herself smile back against her will. His good nature was contagious. "I make a mean turkey sandwich," he said.

"Why do I get the feeling the turkey sandwiches are the only thing you can make?" She teased.

He just scoffed at her and grabbed a nearly eaten loaf of bread. Two regular pieces and two end pieces were all that was inside. Caroline curled her lip, she knew it was childish and that bread was ultimately bread, but she couldn't help that the end pieces were the worst pieces in the loaf. Everyone knew that.

Jacob chuckled at her expression. He prepared two sandwiches as she watched in silence, one sandwich with both end pieces, and the other without. He put mayo on all four slices - an interesting technique, and lettuce, cucumber and turkey on one side. When he finished he handed her the one without end pieces. Caroline wanted to argue that she could eat an end piece if she wanted to, but she could tell they both knew that wasn't true, and she took the sandwich with a short thank you.

The turkey sandwich wasn't anything special - tasted like a homemade turkey sandwich would - but she wasn't about to complain, especially since she got the better deal.

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