Entrance Exams part one

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( At the entrance of the exams)

Shotos POV

It was time for the entrance exams, I didn't have to take it since I came from a well family and I exceeded in my tests but I went to the UA entrance exams anyways for one reason, it was to make sure Midoriya didn't lose control and wouldn't get hurt by Midoriya but if any of them hurt my Midoriya they'll have to answer to me.

"Shoto y-your burning up a-again", Midoriya said pointing to my right side. Oh shit, I need to to stop getting so possessive, but how can I not, just look at this cute little fluff of green, oh my god calm your self shoto.

We arrived at UA's entrance and I could tell that Midoriya was nervous because he was fidgeting a lot at the amount of students that where coming.

"Everything is going to be fine", I reassured him grabbing his small soft hand. He nodded nonchalantly and relaxed his hands that where gripping mine.

As we where walking their was a loud thump that made Midoriya jump behind me grabbing hard onto my back, which not gonna lie, made my face into a tomato.

I looked to see what it was and there stood or more like was face planted onto the floor, a girl with brown hair that looked like a helmet.

"Are your okay?", I said helping the girl up.

"Yes! Don't worry, and I didn't mean to scare your friend", she said excitedly and apologetic making Midoriya grip harder at my back, making my back hurt but I didn't mind.

"Oh sorry, were are my manners, hello I am Ochako Uraraka but you can just call me Uraraka", she said extending her hand.

"I'm Shoto Todoroki and you can call me whatever you want". She nodded happily in response and looked towards Midoriya.

"What about you what's your name?", She asked Midoriya. Midoriya didn't respond, he looked over my shoulder to look at me as to tell him what to do, I signed and whispered to Midoriya that it was okay to tell her his name.

"M-my name is I-izuku Midoriya", he said with a monotone voice.
I could tell that the girl was surprised by the lack of emotion in his voice and the dead stare he gave her.

"N-nice to meet you, well better get going to want to be late for the assembly", she said waving good bye.

"Come on Midoriya we don't want to be late either", I said as Midoriya grabbed onto my sleeve shirt letting go of my back and going to my side instead.

The auditorium was packed with students from different sizes, schools, colors, and back grounds. I knew this would make Midoriya overwhelmed considering he doesn't do well with big crowds of people. I made sure to keep him close to me, so I grabbed his hand and drew him closer to me, so close I could hear his heart beat and breathing, not that it made me blush or anything it's for his own good. (We all know he wanted to grab his hand and get him close anyways😏) . His hand was small compared to mine, so soft and delicate that is just wants you to.....ugh what I'm I saying, just breathe in and out.

We sat down in the middle of the auditorium, having a full view of the stage. A guy with big yellow hair, sunglasses and a weird device on his neck walked onto the stage, and he opened his mouth to speak and before he could I covered Izukus ears because I knew who this hero was, Present Mic a very loud loud hero, Midoriya looked up at me confused.

"Trust me", I said at Midoriya.

"HELLO!!!, FUTURE UA STUDENTS!!", The big looking banana said, all the students cringed at his loud voice. He started to talk about what the UA entrance exams where about.

"U.A. High's Entrance Exam consists of a written and a practical test, with the latter being the more important of the two. During the practical exam, candidates conduct mock battles in replica urban settings".

"Examinees are given ten minutes to use their to immobilize in order to score points depending on the robot's point value. The more points one examinee earns, the higher their chance is to get accepted into U.A. High".

"Candidates are not allowed to fight other candidates. Doing so results in disqualification, many students where disappointed at hearing this".

"Students hailing from the same middle school are placed in different testing areas to avoid potential cooperation".

Points Scale

(Present Mic explains the exam's point system)

Each defeated Villain Bot is worth a certain amount of points, which are assigned to the Bots according to their difficulty level:

1 Point - Easy Villains
2 Points - Medium Villains
3 Points - Hard Villains
0 Points - Arena Traps

"Arena Traps are massive Villain Bots scattered through the city replicas in order to trap and weed out people from getting high scores. They're not meant to be fought, which is why they're worth no points".

When he finished his speech he started taking in question, so annoying, but what was bothering me more was that their has been this one student staring, no glaring towards me and Midoriyas direction, does he want to fight cause I will.

We were all evacuated into the exam building, some students already in their gym clothes getting ready to fight robots.

Some students where giving glances towards Midoriya, probably at how weird he looks or his emotionless face. I glared back at all of them threatening them to say something.

The giant doors opened distracting their sight from Midoriya. They started running in pushing each other like uncivilized people. Me and Midoriya waited until almost everyone went in, but once we did boy was it a mess.

Ahh cliffhangers lol, shorter chapter sorry guys, I'm visiting my cousins but hey at least I updated, hope you guys like it, and I'm free to any suggestions, byeeee (1016 words)

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