Clarke growled into her scope, firing relentlessly at the men who ran towards her. They didn't seem to stop, even with several bullets buried deep into their bodies. She wondered what she had done to them for them to have such a will to kill her.

A bald but bearded man grew too close to her for comfort, and she aimed to take him down before he reached her. The trigger clicked, and no bullet came. She had to reload. He lifted his sword, screaming out his loud battle cry as she surged towards her. Clarke raised her gun in hope to somehow block his blow with it, and she squeezed her eyes closed to wait for the blow.

The slash of a sword came, but she felt no pain. She didn't feel like her insides were slowly leaking out. Slowly, she opened one eye, lowering the gun.

The man in front of her had a gash stretching across one side his neck to the other, blood pouring from the wound like a waterfall after a rainstorm. Clarke watched with her mouth agape as he dropped to his knees, hands trying stop the spilling blood. He slumped to the floor, lifeless.

She looked up to see one person taking on five others with ease. A warrior she knew too well. Lexa spun, swords acting as an extension of her own being, taking them down with ease, impaling them on her blades and using her boot to push them back off. Brunette braids spun and landed on her shoulders, powerful legs launching her at her enemies. Strong arms wielded her swords with slender fingers. It was beauty in its bloodiest form.

She looked back down to reload her rifle, a small smile on her face. And once again, Lexa saves Clarke from dying a painful death. They exchanged glances for only a few moments, before Lexa spun on her heels and tackled yet another warrior with a ferocious cry. Clarke's smile widened.

Yes, that was definitely the woman she loved.

Lexa was surprised at the amount of fight her own side were putting up. She even saw Jasper screaming and chasing after two men with a butcher knife clasped in each hand.

At some point, she had ended up back to back with Octavia Blake, surrounded. She stood patiently, swords lowered at her sides as she watched them intently, waiting for them to strike. Those around them glanced at each other, as if daring the other to go first. Lexa nudged Octavia with her elbow ever so slightly in warning, as if to say 'now'. In that moment, one brave warrior took the risk and charged.

Lexa moved with wings on her boots, leaving any dust left behind from the rubble to flutter back down onto the ground.

She spun to meet his sword with both of her own crossed before her face. The clash of their blades sent shocking jolts through her arms- yet it was something she was very much ready for. She could tell as soon as metal touched metal that this poor man only had basic training, that he was nothing but a common guard on Pike's side. It seemed like Pike was sending in the weaker ones before he sent the more advanced.

Her opponent was much stronger, or rather he would have been, if he had learned how to balance his weight more equally during combat. She pushed him back with a single half-hearted shove.

She ground her teeth together as she eyed the others as she recovered. Behind her, she could hear Octavia's pants and shuffles as she probably did the same thing as Lexa at that time. As the man recovered, her eyes landed on a woman who gripped a weighted net in her hands. Weapons like them hadn't been used since the first war between Trikru and Azgeda. She tilted her head. It occurred to her that many Azgeda had sided with Pike, therefore surely they would have brought sacred war traditions back to life.

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