Asta; Yuno || SC: The Potion

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It was a wonderful day.

The sun was shining, the streets were clean, and I was heading back to the base.

But, there was a sad thing that day. Yuno-senpai got himself bedridden.

I kept telling him to stop taking a shower immediately after training. But, he never listened.

Then again, stubbornness is a key charm of Senpai.

I wanted to help him get better, as thanks for supporting me with my own self-improvement, so I went out of my way to get something that could help from a dear friend of mine.

As I marched down the peaceful streets of the city, I was called out by another spectacular senior of mine - in terms of being a Magic Knight. Asta-san of the Black Bulls.

"Yo, [Male Name]," Asta-san was cheerful. "Nice to see you out of your base once in a while."

"A-Ah, Asta-san," I stuttered as I swiftly bowed. "N-Nice work on your last mission. I heard it was a dangerous one."

"It sure was." The male scratched the back of his head. "B-But the mission was supposed to be a secret. Who told you about it?"

"M-My mistake! I'm so sorry! I-It was Alvieha-san."

I should have taken Alvieha-san's word seriously.

"Oh, well. It's Alvieha-san, after all. I'm sure the news would spread around eventually, anyway."

Me and my big mouth!

"S-Say," Asta-san tried to divert the conversation. "What got you to go out of your base alone today?"

"Y-Yuno-senpai got himself physically strained because of his training. Since Klaus-san and Mimosa-san are out on a mission, I went by Alvieha-san by myself to grab a healing potion."

"Couldn't you just ask someone who could heal Yuno using magic?"

"I-I... don't really know anyone who.... c-could do it aside from Mimosa-san."

God, I wish I was dead...

"H-How about you join me back to our base, Asta-san? I'm sure Yuno-san would love it."

"Sure." It was instant. "Yuno's practically family to me, so, I'll help cure him."


Asta-san accompanied me back to the Golden Dawn base. As expected, a lot of eyes were on him, but we didn't mind. We instantly headed to where I left Yuno-san alone earlier.

I grabbed a vile from by pouch, mixed it with water as per Alvieha-san's instructions, and had Yuno-san's barely conscious body take it. I had to ask Asta-san to assist me in getting senpai up to drink the medicine.

He may look thin and scrawny, but the volume of his muscles were hard for me to nurse him alone.

With Asta-san changing the damp towel on senpai's forehead and casually talking to the hardly replying patient, I excused myself to the kitchen to grab a meal for Yuno-san.

As I was waiting for the pot to boil, a rush of footsteps echoed from the halls and into where I was.

"[Male-Name]-chan," it was Alvieha-san. "Where is the potion I gave you??"

"I already gave it to Yuno-san. You said I have to make him drink it as soon as possible so he could get back on his feet early-"

Before I could finish my sentence, two hands instantly grabbed my shoulders.

"I-I gave you the wrong one!"


"W-What do you mean?"

"I gave you an aphrodisiac! Cirxen played a prank on me and switched the labels on the shelves. I was supposed to give you this," she fished a similar vile from her pocket.

The container looked identical, but the liquid had a different colour.

"I-Is this bad?"

"Well, the good thing here is that the side-effect of the aphrodisiac is exactly the main purpose of the healing potion."

And I heaved a massive sigh of relief.

"But now, Yuno would be a raging flesh of pure ecstasy and lust. Even my magic couldn't undo it. For your safety, stay away from Yuno for at least the rest of the day."

"D-Does that apply to Asta-san, too?"

"What do you mean 'too'?"

"Asta-san came with me here and I left him alone with Yuno-san. I was planning on going back with the porridge."

In a blink of an eye, Alvieha-san left the floor and rushed to Yuno-san's room. Worried, I ran behind her.

As we arrived, we began hearing voices.

"Y-Yuno?? W-What are you doing?"

"We're too late."

"Too late for what?"

"My sweet, innocent [Male Name]. You don't want to know."

"Y-Yuno! W-What are you doing with my pants! H-Hands off!"

From the hallway, cold sweat began rushing down my spine.

D-Don't tell me...

"Y-Yuno! W-Wait! W-What are you doi- Don't put that in your mouth!"

At that moment, Alvieha-san rushed to the door. She slowly opened it to take a peek.

"I-Is that you, [Male-Name]?! Help me! Yuno's being crazy- Wa-Wait!"

And Alvieha-san instantly shut the door while a snap echoed.

The entire room was quickly surrounded with intensified pressure. From the door on our side, to the windows on the opposite area. The area became isolated.

No one can go in OR out. 

"Well... sacrifices have to be made. I'll erase Asta's memory later. For certain, Yuno won't remember any of this."

Oh, God.

"I just have one request, [Male Name]."


"I'll send you to where Rill is. Get him here. I need to immortalise this moment."



877 words... BANZAI!
For those who don't know Alvieha nor Cirxen, she's a character of mine from Faith, Hope, Love.

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