Hatake Kakashi || The King's Gambit

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Image Source: (Original)https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/649222102509044835/


If he only knew things would end up like that, he wouldn't have...

If only he knew...


Which would be better? This shirt or that one?

He could have spent more time with him. 

He could have hung out with him more. 

Well, Kakashi...

It looks like your losing. Well then, let me end your misery. 

He could have pretended losing more in your games.

Be it shogi, mahjong, or a simple game of cards. 

If you just finish this paperwork before nightfall, you could have gone home already.

Instead, you're reading erotic books? 

He could have wasted all the time he had.

So he'd worry about him more. 

It's really nice to be free, isn't it?

You can do anything you want to be.

He could have held his hand more. 

Saying that he will support him no matter what. 

It must be nice being smart and strong. 

You won't have to overthink. Just do. 

He could have pushed his back.

Bracing against adversaries together. 

But instead...

Lord Sixth? Have you seen [Male Name]?

He hasn't been here since six days ago. 

Lord Sixth. It's about your assistant, [Male Name].

He's not answering his phone lately. Is there something wrong?

The unexpected, the unimaginable, the unwanted. 

It came crashing in like a truck on steroids. 

K-Kakashi! It's about your assistant!

His neighbours began smelling something foul from his apartment.

And when they came in to investigate...

He... He...

[Male Name] never shared his own pain and suffering; he always paid more attention to him. Save for that one time, he never showed a sad face. He always shined with a smile. 

When Lord Sixth rushed from his office down to the apartment building several blocks down, a sight he never wanted to see again waited for him. 

First, it was his father. Next, Obito. Then, Rin followed. His teacher was the fourth. It was lucky enough that Gai didn't join the fiasco. 

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