Chapter 13 - Battle of New York Begins

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Carol was sitting on the chair and had her head put on the table. She was sobbing. Her suffer made all the rest avengers very upset.
-We do not know yet, whether Thor is alive or not, may be he is-Natasha patted on her shoulder-he is god of thunder ,he is immortal, he cannot die easily.
-She is right, your highness-said Steve- stay strong and never lose a hope.
-I agree with them. Besides we already know what Loki is going to do and for sure, we will save your daughter-added Tony.
Carol looked at them with teary eyes.
-Thanks,I am so grateful for this support,all I need is to save my daughter and if if Thor is d-dead -Carol could not finish her words, tears almost choked her.
-No ,no ,do not think about it-Natasha hugged her tightly.
It was very unusual for Black Widow to express such warm feelings, but in this case she was really heartbroken for Carol and wanted to courage her.

- For Loki, simply defeating us will not be enough , he needs to overpower us publicly to corroborate himself as ruler of Earth. Loki uses the Tesseract, in conjunction with a device Erik Selvig built, to open a wormhole above Stark Tower to the Chitauri fleet in space, launching his invasion. So , all we need to do is to stop this bastard and save your daughter and we definitely will.-Said Tony firmly.

Carol slightly nodded and said:
-Thank you.
-I am in- Clint Barton walked in the room.
-Mister Barton! How do you feel now ?-asked Steve.
-Terrible. It is hard to realize that Loki controlled my mind and now agents are dead because of me.
-That is not your fault, Clint. Do not blame yourself-said Natasha.
-As I see everyone here has great desire to revenge on Loki. So What are we waiting for ?- asked Tony.
-Suit Up- said Steve.

Once Avengers arrived in New York, there was terrible Chaos.
-Seems like Loki has began his work - stated Clint.

-Hurry up,we have no enough time – Said Steve.

Everyone was wearing suits ,including Carol.

-Stark,Where are you ?-asked Natasha in her earpiece.
- Chasing after immense monster and trying to find out his soft spot.
-What monster? O my God ! - Natasha screamed as she saw, something Tony was talking about.
-I will get it – said Carol and flew up.
-Just be careful ,your highness and try to cause as less damage as possible-said Steve.
-We have got civilians still trapped up here -said Tony.
-They are fish in the barrel down there – sighed Steve.
-We got this. You can go-told Natasha to captain.
-They are too many. How do you think you can hold them off ?- Steve was hesitating.
-Captain,it would be my genuine pleasure – said Clint and began fighting,Natasha joined and Steve realized that he was standing with two of the greatest fighters in the world.
-You can do that , I am sure – said he and ran to help people.
Steve told police what to do ,helped people and joined Clint and Natasha.

-Your highness,Stark where are you- asked he and beat one chitauri with his shield,while Clint killed another with arrow.
-There were three monsters,I am fighting one right now- said Carol.
-And I am fighting fourth one – and Did Banner show up by the way?- asked Tony.
-No,he did not.
-Done . I will be here right now -said Carol and soon returned with Clint,Natasha and Steve.
-Was it hard ?-asked Rogers.
-No. It was just piece of cake for me-said Carol and threw photon blast to small group of Chitauri.

-Woah! Indeed you are very powerful- said Clint

Suddenly they heard sound of Thunder and Thor flew down in front of them and killed three chitauris.

-Thor ! -Carol yelled - you are alive !-she ran and jumped in his arms. Tears began streaming on her face – I thought I lost you- whispered she and kissed him.

-I told you that I would never ever leave you-Thor kissed her forehead and hugged her tightly.
-Emmm,I understand this family reunion and stuff, also I am very glad that you are alive,Thor ,but we have some problems now-said Natasha.
-Where is Linnea ? Where did you take her ? She is safe right ?-asked Thor to Carol.

Everyone froze.
-What happened? -asked Thor with concerned voice- I asked what happened , where is my daughter ?

-Loki took her- said Carol.

-What ? It is impossible . I was with Loki right now , we were fighting ,than he stabbed me and flew, there was no sign of Linnea with him.

-You were with Loki now ?-asked Steve.

-Yes,but Linnea was not here.Where did he take my daughter? I swear, I will kill him slowly and torture terribly if he will do anything bad to my only daughter!-screamed Thor.

-Your highness ,please calm down, we have to concentrate , we need a plan-Steve tried to calm Thor down.

Abruptly they heard voice of Bruce Banner.
-So ,this all seems horrible.
-I have seen worse-said Natasha.
-No,we could use little worse.
-Stark ,we got Banner-said Steve.
-Then tell him to suit up, I am bringing party to you !
Suddenly They saw Iron Man flaying and Immense monster behind him.
-I do not see how that is party -said Natasha.
-Doctor Banner, now might be a really good time to get angry-Said Captain America.
-That is my secret,Captain- I am always angry -said Bruce and became Hulk , he hit his huge fist to monster and stopped him.
-Hold on – said Tony and threw blast to monster, which began destroying and pieces fall down.

Steve covered Natasha with his shield, while Thor wrapped his arms protectively around Carol. Then they stood side by side and made a circle. They were ready for fight.

-Guys ! Do you see that ?- Natasha pointed on portal,from which several monsters began coming out.

-Call it, Captain- said Tony.

-All right , listen up -Steve Began-Until we can close this portal ,our priority is containment. Barton,I need you on that roof. Eyes on everything . Call out patterns and strays.

Clint nodded.

-Stark-Captain continued -you got the perimeter , anything gets more than three blocks out ,you turn it back or turn it to ash.
-Can you give me a lift ? -asked Clint to Tony.
-Right,better clench up ,Legolas -Iron man flew up with Hawkeye.
-Your Highness-began Steve.
-Yes-said Thor and Carol simultaneously.
-I meant Crown Princess.

-Steve,call us Carol and Thor .It would be quite easier-said Carol.
-As you wish,so,Carol you have to find your daughter ,I understand it is both of your priority now,but we need Thor on different case ,so you have to find her.
-All right. Be carefull ,my love – Carol kissed Thor -I will find her.
-I love you too-said Thor and Carol flew up in to the sky.

-Thor,you got to try and bottleneck that portal.Slow them down. You got the lightning. Light the bastards up. -Captain continued.

Thor nodded and flew up.

-You and me ,we stay here on the ground . We will fight here -Steve told Black Widow and then turned to Hulk.

-And Hulk,Smash.

Hulk jumped and began roaring and smashing.

Battle Began.

Linnea,Princess of AsgardDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora