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One week has passed after that paranormal day, and hopefully, nothing odd happened again.

It's just another boring and monotonous day as I cross through the institution's gateway, wondering why today has to be Wednesday, a day with no common classes to share with Sehun. Sighing, I mentally prepare myself for the long day ahead.

I enter into the classroom and find a few students there, minding their businesses. Since I'm early today, I take my seat and play my  current playlist. Music starts playing into my ear through the wireless earbuds, relaxing the muscles of my body. My heart beats in a steady rhythm, conducting drowsiness to linger in my eyes.

Keeping all the untouched assignments for the last night before submission date has always been my dirty little habit like how can I forget the due dates of my assignments.

Luckily, I have completed them all last night, sacrificing my sleep only to submit them today, the last day of submission.

Looking at my watch, I still have an hour left for the first lecure. If I really don't use this chance to take a nap, will I end up dozing off in the middle of the lecture, right in front of everyone-


With a nap full of anxieties, my eyebrows furrow together as I feel an uncalled and unreasonable lump in my throat. My frail arms ache, carrying the weight of my sleepyhead so I raise my head with my closed eyes.

Suddenly two fingers start removing the bangs resting on my forehead and my mind assumes it to be Sehun as I don't have any other friends.

"Pass me the water bottle." I mumble, still being dazed.

He passes me the water bottle and chuckles. With the chuckle, my eyes open alert as the red alarm starts ringing inside of my mind.

I don't know what has taken over me but without any hesitations, I grab the bottle and drink the water, easing my parched throat.

Closing it with its cap, I look around only to see no one else other than Yeonjun who is sitting beside me casually.

"You surely are thirsty." He says and smiles when I place the bottle on the desk.

Something about him is really weird, could it be those eyes I hallucinated? It was really my hallucination or others would see those eyes too.

Finding no one else here in this large and silent classroom, I question,"Where are the others?"

"Off to the trip, you know?" He answers, unaffected by my reaction.

My eyes widen, almost popping out of their sockets and my mouth drops.

Lecture was supposed to start from eight am to ten am, after that we had a short trip for chemistry subject's purposes.

However, it's twelve o clock now.

Panic seizes me and I can't help ranting, "How did I sleep for so long and no one even woke me up? Why didn't anyone? And like won't you attend there or something?"

"Nope, not interested."

"Dang, I have to go." I quickly grab my school bag and get up to rush but his sudden changed serious voice interrupts my actions,

"You can't."

"And why so? I still have time and if I want I can attend it." I panic again thinking how important it's for the first semester.

"You won't." He firmly says this time making me roll my eyes whole 360 degree.

"As if. It's so shocking that no one even bothered to wake me up." I  mumble, dragging my feet to the direction of door.

"Because I denied them." He answers in a nonchalant attitude as if a very obvious thing it is.

My jaw tightens and a frown take its place on my forehead since it doesn't make sense.

"Why the fuck did you?"

"I wanted a company and everyone was interested to go while you were sleeping. So I chose you." He laughs this time shaking his head.

I can't but glare at him while snapping, "It's not funny, your wish will never be true. Who are you- ugh."

I stop talking and breath in and out in order to calm myself down, talking to him will lead me to absolutely nothing.

The corner of his lips slightly raises upwards as he remarks, "My wishes are meant to be true."

I completely disregard him and reach in front of the classroom's door to go away from here.

But hell the door is locked.

I again try to open the door but it isn't opening. This seems like I am locked. Maybe it has got jammed so I should try harder.

This time I try to push the door with much more force but instead of successively opening the door, my index finger gets cut by a sharp glass and blood starts forming.

I cuss under my breaths, looking at my finger.

It's actually just a slight cut with like no pain but the thing is blood.   Blood is red which makes me nauseous, all because of the past days when I was so obsessed with self harm. Sometimes even the color red triggers all of my faded suicidal thoughts and my mind screams for red. It's how affective to me and that's why I am scared of red.

"Blood. Shut up you are bleeding." The one who was quietly observing me till now, dramatically speaks.

He gets up from his seat, stepping closer and eyeing at my cut finger with his unreadable eyes. He approaches me while I literally want to disappear from here.

He softly growls, holding my hand aggressively or more specifically, holding my injured finger aggressively, keeping his intense stare on me.

Why the hell did he growl?

"It's okay. It is nothing." I whisper being apprehensive and uneasy because of his weird behaviour.

"It is." He raises his voice, eyes aren't even moving from my finger.

I immediately hide my hand behind my back as more blood starts   oozing. He grabs that arm and before I could cringe myself away from him, he starts licking my finger. My eyes widen seeing my finger inside of his mouth and his warm tongue licking it. No he is licking my blood. What the actual fuck? He starts licking the wound deeply and I can't even move out of shock. A small whimper escapes from my mouth as I wince a bit.

After licking, he finally frees my hand with a playful chuckle.

"You what the-" I'm fuming with anger and disbelief over his action and he cuts me off-"Saliva is good for wound, you don't know? It slows down the flow of blood for your kind information. Any toddler knows that. Likewise what did you even think?" He says more like an explanation which eases me with a tinge of relieve.

Gosh he was acting like a vampire haha.

"Can you open the door?" I ask blankly.

"I locked the door from behind for wanting your company but since you don't want so...." he pauses, sliding the large glass window connected with the platform and resumes, "go from here and aid your hand."

I just nod and get away from there as soon as possible.


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