What more secrets do you hide

Start from the beginning

"Ehhh... Some shit is happening by the east docks and Cate wants you to check it" she said out off breath.

"Why she didn't call me herself?"

"I'd really wanna talk to you about it but I'm about to shop someone's hand off so .." she said and I heard the sound of an electric saw in the background.

"Fine "  and I hung up "I have to go" and I threw the phone back in my jacket.

"Did you at least eat something?" She asked standing up as well.

"Yeah" I said brushing Emma's hair "Rafael made sure of that"

I started walking to the door but I don't know why I couldn't stop myself from asking.

"How is he?" I asked without meeting her eyes.

"He?" She said and I felt her dislike "now he's a he? Why? I thought you already decided"

"It's not the time" I said and reached for the door but she blocked me.

"When it'll be the time?" she said "I've never thought of you as a runner"

"It's a critical time to just stop and think about how much this family had hurted each other" I said feeling my throat itching "and most importantly, how much they've hurted him"

"I wanted to say something but it never been my place or my right to do so" she said and guilt was writing on her face "I just thought it's enough to stay by his side"

It's not her fault, she did the best she can and her hands were tide as well. She was hurted too, and yet here she is, still taking care of us.

"When words can't explain... Your body can"

I stepped closer to her and wrapped my arms around her, I laid my head on her shoulder and just closed my eyes.

At first I felt her body tense but then she relaxed and hugged me too.

"Thank you" I whispered through her hair "and I'm sorry... for everything"

"It's ok" she laughed "I'm happy where I am now so don't be sorry and just be careful"

I pulled myself from her and instantly turned to the door not wanting her to see my face.


I hate this dock.

That's what was in my mind the hull way there, it was close to the one place I hate the most. The car was moving slowly so no one would notice us.

"I think we should stop here" said Steve "any further and we'll be noticed"

I took a breath and pulled my hair up in a ponytail.

"Get James to surround the place and cover each gap" I said dryly because I know how things will go... A lot of people will die.

As I was about to reach the handle, someone pushed the door on the outside and closed it back. I looked through the window and the one who pushed the door shook his head at me to not get out. Steve who already gotten out before I do, came back and looked weird.

"A car not ours is coming our way" he said suspicious.

"Who ever they are, they're sure not lucky" I said and pulled out my gun.

One of our guys knocked on the window and Steve rolled it down.

"It's Mr. Rafael" he said " he wants a word with the boss" and then he walked away.

Steve looked at me confused.

"I don't even know how the hell he found us" I said and got out of the car.

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