9: Skating|Society

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A month or two had passed and Dollars was thriving. Adrian had finally found a place for Victor to get skating lessons and it seemed like his relationship with Vincent was getting serious. Victor sighed, not sure how to take it, but he didn't say anything. Adrian looked happier than he usually was. That was nice. 

Victor pushed open the door and shivered a bit. It was colder than he expected. "Are you Victor?" a voice asked, he turned to see a beautiful man, sculpted perfectly from the gayest of gods. Wonderful figure. Fantastic face. Darling personality. Dreamy voice. He was wearing skates and had a bit of a skating competition outfit on. Was he practicing? Or did he just wear things like that for fun? Was he famous? Was Victor an idiot? He stared at him, bewildered, and barely heard the question. 

"Hello?" he waved in front of Victor's face. "Are you Victor?" he repeated his question. "My name is Yuuri Katsuki. I'm one of the students here but they're starting up a student-teaching-student program to make it a bit cheaper for newbies' lessons." 

"Hello Victor, I'm Yuuri," Victor fumbled over his words, blinked, and then shook his head. "I'm Victor, yes, sorry," he forced out an apology and couldn't hide his accent very well. Things like this caught him off guard. He'd never found anyone attractive before. Not like this. Not to the point of him being a complete nervous wreck. 

"I suppose being dressed like this is a bit intimidating," Yuuri took a step back and scratched the nape of his neck. "I was practicing for a competition and didn't have time to change..." he sighed. "To be honest, I would like to practice now since I'm still figuring out how exactly I'm supposed to teach you how to skate..." 

"Please skate," Victor blurted out. 

"What? But this is your first lesson...won't it be intimidating to see my routine when you're just starting off?" 

"I'll be fine!" Victor assured. He just wanted to see Yuuri on the ice. "Please skate." 

"Thank you," Yuuri beamed, grabbing Victor's shoulders and smiling still. "You're a life saver. I'll show you around." Victor followed Yuuri around the ice-skating rink but he could barely hear a word Yuuri was saying. His eyes were too focused on Yuuri, staring at Yuuri, wondering about Yuuri, he was completely head over heels for Yuuri.  

"Well, that's about it, you can watch from here and just check to make sure the track keeps repeating," Yuuri gestured to the small speaker set up. He skated out to the center to the ice, getting into a starting position, and Victor pressed play. 

In timing with the music, Yuuri skated around with his technical routine. Victor was amazed, watching every move, unable to tell if there was a single mistake. He hardly noticed when the music stopped. 

"Ahhhh," Yuuri deflated, lying down in the center of the ice. He stared up at the ceiling. "Still too many mistakes!" 

Victor fumbled over his feet, trying to skate over to Yuuri. He needed to wear skates on the ice to get to the speaker but he hadn't skated before. He was waving his arms around trying to maintain balance but he got there eventually. He leaned over Yuuri, staring at him, blocking his perfect view of the ceiling. 

"I thought you did great," he said.

"But, you don't know anything about skating," Yuuri forced a bit of a smile, unsure of how reliable Victor's words were. 

"True," Victor agreed, "but I have watched numerous dancing competitions so I think I have a bit of an eye for it. Skating isn't dancing and the way bodies move to the music is also different but," Victor smiled. "You displayed 'eros' quite well even if your ideas of it are all wrong." 

"Eros?" Yuuri sat up. "How did you know that's what I was trying to do?"

"The song," Victor looked back to the speaker. "There are two parts of it. One 'Agape' and one 'Eros.' I've seen someone use the 'Agape' one before so I just assumed you were going for something different..."

"You were completely right," Yuuri stared, in awe. "But, why do you think my ideas of 'eros' are all wrong?" 

Victor stood up straight and closed his eyes. He tried to imagine the skating routine as best as he could. He couldn't perform the jumps and all of the technical stuff but if he got used to moving on the ice he might be able to explain it better. 

"Why don't you go over to the music?" Victor said, pointing. "I'll tell you when I'm ready and then I'll show you what I mean." Yuuri nodded. 

Victor spent a few minutes skating in circles around the rink. It was tricky, he'd never done this before, but he was getting the hang of it. When he could move faster, he went in smaller circles, and continued that until he could at least skate easier enough. He moved to the center of the rink and nodded to Yuuri, who then pressed play. 

He was in no means an expert. Not at all. He didn't know any of the complicated things. He just knew that he spent a considerable amount of time dancing in secret, playing back videos of himself, practicing, so he had a way of moving with his body that was oddly specific for certain themes. So, he did a routine in a very simple fashion on the ice, trying to communicate 'eros'.

"Are you sure you've never skated before?" Yuuri wasn't convinced. 

"Nope, never," Victor laughed, falling over from using muscles he wasn't used to. Yuuri skated over and caught him. 

"I think you could be really good..." 

"Do you think so?" 

"Of course." 

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