4: Grell|Society

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"The Funtom Company is really doing a lot, aren't they?" Victor asked no one in particular while scrolling through his phone. Otabek was sitting on the floor, staring at Yuri who was painting his nails. Grell was frowning at the color. Totally the wrong shade. 

"That doesn't look good on you, honey," Grell shook his head in shame. People should honestly ask for his fashion advice more often. But, no one did, and that sucked. 

"Oh go talk to someone who cares," Yuri frowned and continued painting his nails.

"Fine, but don't come bothering me when you're the laughingstock of the town," Grell said. 

Chris nodded in approval. "It really isn't a good color."

"Who's side are you on anyway?" Yuri glared.

"I'm on the side of justice!" Chris hi-fived Grell. "Justice always prevails!" the two held hands and squashed their cheeks together. For someone who was a bit older than them (maybe twice their age or so), Grell didn't seem like he'd graduated high school for a day. Why was he here though? Because, technically the red-loving beauty was the second in command. It was his one request since Victor's father wasn't to know about this reboot of Dispatch. 

"I don't think it's a bad color," Otabek said. Everyone stared at him with their jaws dropped. The guy hadn't said a word since he'd cut Yuri's hair. He didn't say much to begin with but...this was an improvement. Maybe there was something there? Even if Otabek clearly didn't have a sense of fashion. Really? Taking Yuri's side when that color clearly doesn't work? Shame. 

"At least Beka is on my side, assholes," Yuri waved his hand in the air to dry the nail polish off. He didn't feel like blowing it. That was for plebians. 

"'Beka'?" Chris looked to Victor.

"'Beka'" Victor looked to Chris.

"You're the one that wanted me to get along with him, I don't understand why you're so shocked," Yuri frowned. Everyone was criticizing him today. Or, so it seemed to him anyway. 

"How close have you two gotten in the last day or so?" Victor smirked. Chris was already writing notes to adjust his fanfiction. This was quality content. Much better than you'd find anywhere else. Chris wasn't about to let this go. He had fans waiting on the internet. 

"He kept trying to apologize a thousand times, so we got to talkin' and, turns out we have a lot more in common than we thought. Gotta problem with that?" Yuri's glare never let up. Neither did his frown, for that matter, but his nails were finally drying. 

"No," Victor snickered.

"Not at all," Chris agreed.

"When y'all gonna fuck?" Grell tapped his foot, just getting out the question everyone else was thinking about. "I wanna be there when it happens, okay? Not there, physically, but I need to be there spiritually to see the reality of this relationship unfold or I'm going to be so pissed off." 

"Oh, like we'd summon your diva ghost," Yuri threw the nail polish at Grell's head. He dodged, of course, and allowed the abomination of a color to crash with the wall behind him. Good riddance. 

"Wait, does that mean you are going to fuck?" Victor had to ask. Yuri had opened that door wide open so...

"What?! No!" Yuri couldn't conceal the blush on his face no matter how hard he tried.

"They're totally going to fuck!" Chris took more notes. "Oh my god! They're going to fuck! I told you it would happen. I told you. Now I just need to get Sebastian and Ciel together. Goddamit. I need that to come true too. Maybe I should open a matchmaking business. Grell, dear, would you open a matchmaking business with me?"

"I'm actually already helping two darlings with their business at the moment," Grell confessed. "But I wouldn't mind a side job with you. You're such a doll, Chris," Grell patted Chris on the shoulder like some squad mom. There we go, Grell's official position in Dispatch, Squad Mom. No one else can ever fill the role. 

"What is it that you do for a living?" Victor was shocked at himself for not knowing this information. He really didn't know much about Grell at all, come to think of it, and that was a crime. 

"I design outfits," Grell smiled. He wasn't one to smile because of his unusually sharp teeth, but it seemed he couldn't keep his pride on this subject. "I work with two ladies that have impeccable taste. You should stop by some time. I wouldn't mind designing an outfit for you. I have already come up with some ideas, to be honest. Pink would look fantastic on you, Victor. Really, please, satisfy my fantasy." Grell picked up the brush to the nail polish and started a rough sketch on the wall where the polish had smashed. "It would look so good though," Grell sniffled, imagining this sketch in pink. Drawing with a nail polish brush wasn't easy, but the image was clear enough. 

"I don't really need an outfit right now. Don't worry though, if I ever need to seduce a human, I'll request an outfit designed by you," Victor promised.

"Cross your heart?"

"Cross my heart."

"Pink? Really though?" Yuri wasn't convinced.

"Is there something wrong with pink?" Victor asked. Yuri shook his head. Victor, there wasn't anything wrong with pink, but there was something wrong with Grell. Yuri didn't like him that much. So, obviously, he was going to oppose anything he ever said.

"Pink was originally a masculine color, you know?" Grell said. "But somewhere along it changed. Blue became masculine and pink became feminine. That's why I like red because it's the color of blood. Blood is neutral," Grell turned his hand into a fist and stared at the ceiling. He was imagining all of the ways he could fuck someone up. Blood never hurt anybody. Or. Well. It always did. 

"Oh, it also happens to be the color of sex," Grell winked, at no one in particular. "Passion, romance, roses, I love me some roses..." 

"Sometimes I just don't understand him," Victor admitted. "Grell is a being all on his own."

"Are we sure he is human?" Chris whispered to Victor.

"Can we really be sure of anything?"

"Fair enough."

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