Chapter 9

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    Gale returned to his home. He was relieved to be back but was surprised by how different the universe was. It was not as bad as he had initially expected. Although, if he did not meet Adara, he would probably think differently.

    But now, what was he supposed to do? He didn't want to lie to his father. After all, Altier was all he had.

    At the same time he did not want to sell out Adara. He was not quite sure what Altier had planned, but he knew it was most likely going to cause pain. The same pain they were caused by those pure bloods.

    What if, in some strange world, these people were not all that bad? Adara seemed sweet and caring even though she was royalty. She could get in a lot of trouble for even seeing him and not reporting him. She seemed to look past his differences and that was something he could only dream of.

    He sat down on a piece of rubble and looked up at the dark sky. This world was his home and once was full of life. Not anymore.

    The ground was covered in ash here. No flowers or grass or anything anymore. He picked up some ash and watched it slip through his fingers.

    It may be crazy, but he let his mind wander. Maybe he could live on the Mars Kingdom. Maybe Adara could change the minds of her people. Then soon other Kingdoms would follow and eventually they could live in harmony. There would be no law stopping lovers from being together, regardless of where they came from.

    Altier could have a change of heart. Maybe, once they get accepted, the people would feel bad for the past. The past that took away a Kingdom full of life. Maybe they would help rebuild it. Instead of being the Kingdom of Forgotten Misfits, it could be the Kingdom of all kinds or the Kingdom of new beginnings.

    Okay so Gale was not that great of thinking of names. Point is things could be different. Things could be back to the way they were. Only this time, all the Kingdoms could get along.

    Gale sighed. This wouldn't happen. His father was not looking to forgive. He was looking for revenge. He spent years planning and thinking of revenge. He did not believe anyone was worth sparing.

    "Ah my boy has returned. What did you see Gale?" Altier announced, sitting down beside his child.

    Gale sat silent for a moment. What choice did he have? It was either tell his father now, or his father find out. Who knows what punishment Gale would get for lying? He did not want to disappoint his father. He just wanted this to end and everything to be okay again.

    Gale cleared his throat, looking to his father.

    "I saw her. Well, I think it was her. She was with a small group. Two guys and two other girls. Not sure who they were though."

    "No doubt the other royals are with her. No matter. Their powers may still function, but not as powerful as they should."

    Altier grinned. He enjoyed this. He enjoyed them feeling defenseless, just as he felt that day. They were no match for them. Jerik's power alone could take them out. He was fully functional and soon, he hoped to have Gale join them. Gale had pretty extraordinary powers but he was still young.

    "By the time they make it to the Mars Kingdom, Jerik will have already ruined it. More Kingdoms will fall before they have a chance to blink."

    "What happens after though? I mean, once these Kingdoms have gone, what will be left?"

    Altier placed a hand on Gale. Gale was still so new to this universe. He was still blind to it, even though he saw what horrors it was capable of. It was obvious he was a lover, not a fighter.

Kinlanture Vol I: The Kingdom of Forgotten Misfits (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora