Chapter 2

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    Claire's eyes fluttered opened. She was in a bed, warm under her blanket.

    A dream? It had to have been...

    Her head was throbbing. She pulled herself out of bed and walked towards her door. On her way, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. She quickly ran back to it and her jaw dropped.

    Her once brown hair was now pink. Her eyes were pink also, but a lot brighter than her locks. Her face was pale, almost porcelain. Her lips were pink and her clothes...

She was in a pink sundress. With a rose tiara sitting atop her head.

    Her eyes pulled away from the mirror. This wasn't her bedroom. The ceilings were super high and the walls were thick. Her bed looked like something a queen would sleep on. Big enough for an entire city to rest. Roses were painted all over her walls, in a variety of different colors.

    Okay, this has got to be a dream!

    She opened the large doors and left the room. She was in a palace. A huge palace that had flowers everywhere.

    She made her way outside. Flowers covered the ground, just like her dream. She felt the sun on her, and it felt good. So bright and so real. The breeze blew by, and she watched the flowers blow. Swaying like they were dancing so delicately.

    She looked beyond the flowers and saw a little city. She could see people moving around.

Claire walked away from the palace and into the field of flowers. Everywhere she looked she saw flowers. She tried to avoid them as she walked, but it was impossible. She felt the soft petals brush against her feet. The smell was sweet and she felt so peaceful here, even if it was a dream.

    She reached the city and watched the people wander around. Everything looked normal. The people were normal, laughing and talking normally. They looked a bit different. They all had flower marks on them somewhere. Some on their arms, some on their legs, all different colours.

    She watched them for a while, before she noticed people were watching her. Then more and more people watched her.

    A young girl ran up to her, holding up a flower with a smile on her face.

    "It's good to see you princess!" the young girl said.

    Claire starred at her for a moment, trying to understand what was going on. She felt the eyes of the people on her, hearing them chatter among themselves as they watched her.

    She knelt down and smiled at the young girl. She carefully took the flower from her, accepting her gesture.

    "It's good to see you too. Thank you for the beautiful flower"

    The little girl grinned brightly and ran over to an older lady that Claire assumed was her mother.

    She stood back up, still smiling. She heard people talking about her.

    "Our princess! So kind and gentle!"

    "She will be the perfect Queen of the Flower Kingdom!"

    The Flower Kingdom?

    Claire tried to make sense of everything, but it didn't seem to want to make sense. Usually, by now, she would have woken up in her bed, all warm and back into reality. This seemed more real than usual. That little girl, her smile was too real. It's hard to dream up the perfection of a child's innocence, and she had it.

    There was a reason to freak out now. She knew that this couldn't be a dream. This was reality. A reality that she wasn't sure about. How did she get here? And why did everyone seem to know her?

Kinlanture Vol I: The Kingdom of Forgotten Misfits (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now