Lloyd: But Sensei, you saw what happened when I tried to face my father. I-I froze. I can't fight him.

Wu: You must. It is written in the scrolls.

Misako: Remember, your father is just as scared.

Wu: Then the battle will be decided by who is willing to fight.

Kai: You won't be alone. I'll be right behind you. You have my Fire.

Cole: You have my Earth.

Zane: And my Ice.

Jay: And Lightning.

Cole: We're all in this together, kid.

Lloyd: What are we waiting for? Let's suit up. (The team prepares for battle.) I'm ready. (The run towards Garmadon's camp.) Get down, now!

Kai: They won't know what hit them.

Jay: Time to chop wood.

All: Ninja, go! (They break open the gates, but find the campsite abandoned.)

Jay: Uh, where the heck is everybody?

(It is shown that the whole base is empty.)

Cole: Ugh, and here I was all ready to release the thunder.

Kai: The ultimate weapon is gone. We're too late. Nya? Nya!

Cole: Harper? Harper!

Zane: (The Falcon screeches.) My Falcon friend wants to show us something. (The Falcon shows them the Garmatron's tracks.)

Lloyd: Whoa... That's one big weapon...

Zane: It appears to be heading toward the coast!

Lloyd: But why? Wouldn't he try to use it on us?

Wu: Not on us. On Ninjago. He always wanted to turn our world into his own image. Now we know how it will be done.

Misako: But if he starts turning things evil, the balance will shift and allow the Overlord to cross over into our world!

Lloyd: Then we have to make sure that my father never fires that weapon!

Zane: (Noticing that Dr. Julien is panting.) Father!

Julien: You go on without me. I'm an inventor, not a fighter. I'll only get in the way....

Zane: But what will you do?

Julien: I'll be back at the Bounty waiting for you to return in one piece. But don't worry, a part of me will always be with you.

Zane: Be well, Father.

Julien: Be safe. (Zane catches up the the others.)

Jay: Um, is anyone else thinking about how this might be our final fight together?

Kai: Yeah.

Zane: Of course.

Cole: It's all I've been thinking about.

Kai: We've come a long way. It wasn't that long ago when Sensei first found us.

Jay: Hey. (Chuckles.) You remember that time Kai thought he was the Green Ninja? (All Ninja except Kai laughs.)

Zane: That was quite the memory.

Cole: He was so not.

Zane: Or what about when the Hypnobrai hypnotized Cole and we had to fight him? (The Ninja laughs.)

The Heart Of War- Ninjago Oc x Cole "Book1"Where stories live. Discover now