Ok. So.... A/n

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       Oof. So the truth comes out, doesn't it. To be honest, I really cant take this any longer. I'm finding myself dreading writing this season, and barely working on anything.... so heres what I'm gonna do.
         I'm gonna skip it.

             Now, before you start RAGING, Let me explain how this is going to work.

  1) Im gonna explain what happens in this chapter, and ill fill in the confusion. Like, how whats going on with Cole & Harper? Well, that's gonna be asnwered. And when I start Season 5, Ima explain whats happened between last chapter and season 5. Ok? Ok.
     2) Im gonna start drawing the chapters, and What happens in them. How does this matter? Well, its gonna help me. Ill focus on something other than writing, but it'll also help for the Seasons five+AND its gonna show an important scene each chapter. It'll help me to not abandon this story.

   3) Im gonna make a ... a schedule. Im not (probably) gonna write on some days. That way im giving myslef a break. On those days, ill only be using my phone for music or poses. (References for my drawings.)

   4) I will NOT abandon!! I really dont wanna abandon this story. Because I hate when a story just STO-----

     See what I mean?  It stops at the good part! And I dont wanna do that to yall. So there. Thats all I gotta say.

    Tata, and please dont hate me.

      ×Novalee ⚀⚁⚂⚃⚄⚅

The Heart Of War- Ninjago Oc x Cole "Book1"Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum