17 | no different

Start from the beginning

"You do this and we're no different from them." She didn't wait to see his reaction as she flew down the ladder. "What's going on?"

"Clarke's about to take out the knife. We need to make sure he doesn't move or-" Raven stopped. Jovie didn't need her to say anymore. She walked over to stand on the opposite side that Raven was on.

"Alright, extracting now," Clarke announced. As soon as she gripped the knife, Finn's eyes fluttered opened and he groaned.

"Shit," Jovie said as she pushed his shoulder down to keep him steady.

"He's waking up!" Raven said as she held down his other side.

"Hold him still. Finn, I'm gonna get that knife out of you, okay?" Clarke said. Finn grunted in pain and his breathing was staggered.

"Good plan," he breathed out.

"Finn, you can't move, got it?" Jovie grimaced at the sight of the boy in pain. She realized how hard it was going to be for him to try not to move. There was a damn knife lodged into his side after all. "Here it goes."

"Slow, Clarke," Abby emphasized.

"Finn, do not move. Almost got it. Hold still," Clarke said. Raven and Jovie pushed him down as Clarke slowly pulled the knife out of him. Suddenly, the dropship shook and they all went flying to the ground. Jovie groaned as she hit her bruised ribs on something hard. It was when she saw Finn laying on the ground next to her that she ignored her own pain to make sure he was okay.

"Clarke, Clarke, what happened?" Abby asked from the radio. "Clarke, can you hear us?" Jovie looked up to see the girl holding the knife in her hand. She let out a sigh of relief and leaned over to put her hand on Finn's arm.

"It's out!" Raven said. "She did it." Jovie noticed the way Raven's face dropped a bit. It wasn't because Finn was saved, but because it was Clarke who saved him.

After they helped Finn back up on the table, Clarke went to stitching him. Jovie glanced over at Raven. She figured this couldn't be easy for her. She came down to Earth just to find out her boyfriend was falling in love with another girl and then he almost died. She reached over and gave Raven's hand a squeeze. Raven looked over at her in surprise. Jovie didn't need to say anything. Raven knew she was just there to try to support her, so she gave her a smile in response before looking back to Finn.

"Should he be this pale?" She questioned.

"He's lost a lot of blood, Raven. But if your boyfriend is anywhere near as tough as you, I'm sure he'll be fine," Abby comforted her. Clarke reached her hand out to touch his forehead.

"Wait, Mom, she's right. He's feverish and his breathing is uneven," Clarke said worriedly.

"You need to give him some time to recover. Let me know if he gets any worse, but I think he might just be out of the woods," Abby said.

"Well, down here there's nothing but woods," Clarke mumbled. "I need a break. Stay with Finn." Jovie looked over at Raven. She sensed she needed the time to be with her boyfriend.

"Call me if you need anything," Jovie said. Raven nodded and took a step closer to Finn, as if he would slip away from her if she wasn't right next to him. Jovie followed Clarke up the ladder to see what was going on with the Grounder. She hoped it wasn't anything that would make her regret leaving him alone with Bellamy and the others. He was hanging his head, but she could see the blood that dripped down his face. As Clarke went up to Bellamy, Jovie found herself moving towards the Grounder. She was so intrigued by him. He had saved her life and she wanted to know why.

"How's Finn?" Bellamy asked.

"Alive," Clarke said simply. Jovie tuned out their conversation as she walked up to the Grounder. He raised his eyes and stared at her.

"You saved me," she whispered. He didn't react, but part of her felt like he understood her. "Thank you." She glanced over to see Bellamy was too distracted arguing with Clarke to realize what she was doing. "I'm sorry for what they're doing to you. They're just scared."

"We're not soldiers, Bellamy. Look at him, we can't win," Clarke said. Bellamy looked over and frowned when he saw Jovie standing too close for comfort next to the Grounder.

"Hey! What're you doing?" He demanded, storming over to pull Jovie back. She glared at him and yanked her arm out of his grip.

"Showing him we're not all bad," she said. "Torturing him isn't going to do anything!"

"Clarke! He's seizing!" Raven screamed from below.

"On my way!" Clarke called back before climbing back down. Jovie just kept staring at Bellamy as if to show that she was not going. Clarke could help Finn. Now it was time to help the man who saved her.

"You stay if you want, but I'm doing what I have to," Bellamy said.

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