God Bless America X Edwin H. pt 2

Start from the beginning

How it'd been nearly the end of the school year and it was your first time you'd ever talked to him.

How the year after that, you two became great friends.

And then, you fell in love.

"Well...um. I was about your sister's age. Maybe about 16-17. And I was taking a test when this curly haired boy sat next to me and pulled out a blue mechanical pencil. It was in that moment that I realized that I didn't have a pencil at all. And instead of asking for one, I sat there like an idiot and watched as everyone else began their tests."

The girls laugh in unison.

"My teacher asked me why I'd been sitting there instead of doing my work and I didn't have a logical explanation other than the fact that i was afraid to ask for what I needed. And that's when your father came to the rescue and dug me out of the hole I'd made for myself. That same curly-haired kid pulled a pencil out his bag and handed it to me. Then he said 'she was waiting for me to find her a pencil. But I kind of forgot.'

The smaller child smiles up at you as if it was the greatest thing she'd ever heard in her life.

"So, yeah...I guess you can say he lied for me.... I'm not saying that lying is good. But, in that moment it helped a lot."

"Aww that's so cutee!" Your oldest daughter coos.

"He was a pretty cool kid. We spent a lot of time together after that."

"Ew, did you just call dad 'cool' "

A loud cackle escapes your lips and you nod your head 'yes' while slapping your hand over your mouth to supress the giggles.

"Dad is not 'cool'. I love him. But, he's the literal opposite of cool. And he knows it."

"Excuse me?? Your dad was one of the most chill, down-to-earth people I've ever met in my life."

"That's not cool though. That's 'chill & down-to-earth' "


You all giggle and for a moment there's silence.

Happy, nostalgic silence.

As you all think about the good times you had with Ed.

All the good things you all did together.

As a family.

But, then randomly there's muffled screaming.


And where is it coming from?

Can anyone hear me?

Muffled panic.


Muffled fear.

Help me!

And suddenly, your eldest daughter's ear is pressed to the ground as she gasps loudly.

"Mommy, I think it's coming from the ground."

The expression you wore was more than confusion.

It was pure and utter shock.

Who the hell would be down there screaming?

The two children begin digging and for a split moment you're panicking.



"I- how are we so sure it's coming from there."

"Mom. I know it, please we have to help them! We can't let them stay down there."

You sigh and crawl towards Edwin's grave and before you know it you're all shoveling dirt with your hands as fast as you can.

Eventually, You get down to the casket and you're so confused because, it's quiet now and there's no one there.

You and the girls sit on the casket in utter confusion.

They both look at you for some sort of further direction.

"Mom, I could've sworn it came from-"

The casket vibrates as if someone kicks it from the inside and you all jump back in fear.

"Mommyy." Your youngest child whines.


The muffled voice yells, and this time it's a little more clear.

The two girls stare at you and almost immediately you're trying to pry the casket open.

"Mom what are you doing!!"


Their voices are no longer heard because, your mind is set on one thing.

Which is why you fling the casket open so hard it breaks the lock.

And you're greeted by your "dead" husband.


He squints the moment he's hit by daylight and then his vision adjusts and you're the first thing he sees.

He can't even speak and before he knows it his arms are around your neck and he's pulling you in for a hug.

"Princess." He mumbles into the crook of your neck and your sobbing like a child because, he's here.

He's actually here.

But how?

"I-I thought you were dead." You tremble.

"Dad?! DAD!"

The girls jump on him and he squeezes them ever so tightly before pulling you back in for the hug.

"How long was I down there?"

"Nearly three years Edwin, how the hell are you still here? I thought you got shot? This doesn't make any sense-"

"Wait, what do you mean I got shot? When did i-"

"That's what they told mommy." Your child interrupts.

"Three years ago." Your eldest daughter adds.

"Edwin we thought you were dead. H-how is this even possible i-" you mumble while tears well up in your eyes.

"Hey, baby it's okay. I'm okay. That's all that matters right now. I have you and the kids, so it's fine. We're fine."

To Be Continued...

Probably won't even continue this but, so many people were sad about the way the first part ended so hopefully this clears things up.

Sorry if it SUCKS booty I'm not really sure what's going on rn.
Also i did not proof read this so sorry for mistakes if any.

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