Chapter 20

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Lily and Katie were getting ready for there graduation. They were both excited to go into the adult world of witches and wizards. 

They were both wearing the Hogwarts hats and had there cloak on with their Gryffindor batch on there chest. Proud Gryffindors. 

They all walked into the Great Hall where they were getting applause from the other students, the non-graduates. 

'Can you believe it, our time at Hogwarts is over', Katie sighted. 'I can't believe it, I remember if it were just yesterday when we walked trough those doors and put on the sorting hat', Lily said. 

'I remember how we all met', Sirius said staring at the people in the Great Hall. 'This isn't goodbye Sirius, we will see each other again', Katie said. 'Yes, but we will never see each other like this anymore, we won't hang out everyday anymore', Sirius said. 

'This years graduation students, so as always we have one student who blinks out academically and otherwise, this year I can say that it is someone from my own house', professor McGonagall started to say.

'This year honor student is... Lily Evers!', professor McGonagall said. Lily was just as stunned and didn't heard McGonagall saying her name. 

'It's you, you idiot, you are the honor student of this years graduation class', Katie said pushing her best friend forward. 

Lily smiled and walked towards professor McGonagall. She got a golden Hogwarts logo. 'Congratulations', professor McGonagall said to Lily proudly. 

They threw their hats in the air so the sky was for a short amount of time black from the hats. 

They cheered as they went back to there seats to enjoy the feast.

'Honored student, me', Lily said proudly when they finally sat back on the Gryffindor table. 'You've worked hard for it', Katie said. 

'I'm going to visit you so much you all need an extra bed', Sirius said. 'Your always welcome, you know that', Lily said. 'Thank you, James. I also wanted to thank you and your parents for me staying at your place for in the summer', Sirius said. 'Anytime Sirius, your home wasn't ideal for you, your still welcome at mine and Lily's place anytime', James said. 

Suddenly it was already time to go and they were standing on the platform to aboard the Hogwarts express for one last time. 

Katie watched Severus getting in. She saw him looking at her for a few seconds, but then he looked away and got into the train. 

'Katie, why aren't you getting in?', Lily asked. 'I'm not coming with you guys', Katie said. 'Wait, what?', Remus said. 'I'm going to live under water for a while, I told you guys that it would happen soon', Katie said. 

'I didn't thought it would be this soon', Lily said. They group hugged her. 'I'm going to miss you guys, so much. But I promise, I visit land as much as I can', Katie said. 'You better be', Lily stated with tears in her eyes. 

Katie also swallowed back her tears. Suddenly Dumbledore stood behind them. 'Katie, you didn't thought that you wouldn't see me anymore right', Dumbledore said. 

'Dad', Katie said hugging him tight. 'Professor Dumbledore', James said. Dumbledore chuckled. 'I'm no longer your professor anymore, let's go with Albus', Albus said smiling upon the friends. 

'Hogwarts was amazing Albus', Remus confessed. 'Yeah it was an adventure of a life time', Lily said. 

'Thank you for being such great friends with my daughter, if you ever need a safe haven, Hogwarts will always be your home, your always welcome here, even when I'm not here', Albus said. 

'Thank you, that means a lot', Sirius said. 'Now off you guys go, otherwise the train leaves without you', Katie said hugging her friends for one last time. 

Katie hugged Lily tight. 'I'll look for you, I promise', Katie said. 'I look out over the ocean for  you as well', Lily promised. 

Katie looked as they all got into the Hogwarts express. They found an open window and waved. Katie ran with the train until there was no way to run anymore and waved until her friends were just a small stip, not able to being seen with the naked eye. 

She looked at Albus and smiled. 'It was a crazy year', she said. 'I know, are you absolute sure you want to go live as a mermaid now?', Albus asked. 

Katie nodded as they walked towards the Black Lake. Her mother was already waiting for her in the water. Katie smiled. 'It is time', Katie said. Albus nodded. 

Albus hugged his daughter and watched as she transformed into a beautiful mermaid. 'I love you, you always have a home with me', Albus said. 'Thanks dad, I love you too. I'll promise I visit as much as I can', Katie said. 

'Come on dear, let's go', her mother said. Katie nodded. She gave Albus one last smile as she flipped with her mermaid tail and disappeared in the deep water. 

The End!

I hope you guys enjoyed this story. This isn't goodbye forever, this is just the beginning of the end. Sequel is coming soon! 

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