Chapter 12

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Warning: Smut in this chapter. You can skip it, but there are some crucial points you have to read in order to understand things later in the story. 

Severus mouth hang open while Katie was in the water splashing around. Also showing off her water powers. She could make waves and change the weather. 

'Say something?', Katie whispered. 'I... I...', Severus started, but he was still in loss for words. His beautiful girlfriend was a mermaid. 

Katie got out of the water and dried herself off with magic and her legs appeared. 'Severus', she whispered. 'Wow', he just said. 'Wow as in a good wow or a bad wow or 'I'm going to tell' wow', Katie said. 

Severus finally came to his senses again. 'No, I would never do that, I would never tell your secret to anyone, your beautiful Katie Holt', Severus said. 

Now it was Katies turn to be in loss for words. 'Really', she stated. 'Really, why are you so unsure of that. I love you Katie, no matter who or in this case, what you are. I do want to know why you haven't told me sooner', Severus said. 

'Because the entire mermaid community is bound to keep it a secret, I already broke that once by telling Lily, my mother broke it once as well by telling Albus, now I broke it again. If I ever go back to the mermaid community they sure don't thank me for it or welcome me in their circle', Katie said. 

'Go back? So your mother is a mermaid and she was sending you to Hogwarts at age 11 because...', Severus started asking. 

'She knew it was only a matter of time before the Dark Lord will come after me. My powers are wanted you know. The Dark Lord is already after me since my father is a death eather, you know about that part', Katie said.

'So you got the mermaid powers from your mother and you are a witch because of your father being a wizzard, which makes you a halfbreed from both sides?', Severus concluded. 

Katie nodded. 'A really cool kind of halfbreed though', Severus said with a grin. 'So you are not mad at me for keeping it a secret for all of these years?', Katie asked. 

'Mad at you, how could I ever be mad at you, my girlfriend is a mermaid. Which I think is pretty awesome, but I'm still a little bit mad for you not telling me, but you can do something about it to make it go away', Severus said with a naughty wink. 

He let is lips slide along side Katies neck seducing her. Katie was biting her lip and let out a soft moan. By now Severus knew how to tease her and making her want more of him. So that's exactly what he did. Teasing her. 

He let his hands slide under her shirt and he unclipped her brah so he could put his hands around her breasts and massage them. In the mean time, he kept on kissing her. He felt her hands on his body and could feel the electricity flowing trough his vains. 

Katie went to lay down on the ground gently so she couldn't keep her eyes off Severus. His dark eyes were staring into hers. Before they both knew it all of their cloths were off again and they lay naked on the very same spot as before. 

'I love you', she whispered. 'I love you', Severus said and he meant it. He had never loved someone more then her. Well he had loved Lily from a distance, he made the mistake that there was a beautiful woman who cared for him was right in front of him. He would never make the same mistake. 

Severus kissed in between her breasts and let his hand slide over her waste. His fingers trailed all the way down to her hips. Katie had her eyes closed and moaned of pleasure. He gently made his way to her sensitive spot but stopped for a moment to tease Katie. 

Katie giggled when he did that and she pulled him towards her face. 'You are teasing me', she whispered. Katie cupped his face in her palms and brought his lips towards hers. She wrapped her legs around his hips and kissed him. 

Their tongues were batteling against one another. The sun was setting but they didn't payed any attention to it. A full moon appeared. They were both way past curfew. They couldn't care less. Even if it meant staying here all night. 

Severus softly entered her body and they both let out a moan when he did. Katie let her hands trail down Severus his torso along side his hips and his butt. 

After a while of nothing but soft moans Katie could feel her body shaking again and felt that delicious feeling coming over her. She wrapped her arms around Severus neck to grab him by his hair. Severus however wasn't done yet and continued what was cost Katie to moan even louder. Then she could feel Severus flued inside her as warm liquid. Severus let out a bit moan and kissed Katie first before he allowed himself to lay down next to her. 

'That was even better then the first time, if that is even possible', Katie said. Severus grinned. Katie kissed him softly on his nose and then his lips. 

They put their cloths back on. 'I don't want to go back yet', Katie said. 'Me neither, let's just stay here', Severus said. Katie nodded as her head was resting on his shoulder. 

Suddenly Katie heard something. 'What is it?', Severus said. 'Did you heard that', Katie said. 'It must be some kind of animal', Severus said. 'We are at the edge of the Forbidden forest, that doesn't really comfort me', Katie said. 

Now Severus heard it too. 'There is something there watching us', Severus said. 'People never come here', Katie said panicking. 

'I'll protect you', Severus said. Suddenly a hairy dog was standing in front of them in company of a rat and a stag. 

Katie knew who they were, Severus on the other hand didn't. Katie was first mad and thought that her best friends were here to spy on her and Severus. How long were they there for. 

But then behind them there was a loud growl. A werewolf came out of hiding and spotted the two humans who were both suddenly not so brave anymore. 

All though Katie knew who the werewolf was, she also knew that there was nothing left of Remus right now, right now he was about to attack them. 

The dog tried to stop the werewolf from attacking them. But the werewolf was heading straight forward heading for Katie...

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