Chapter 1

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(I hate doing this but it must be done. I've had stories stolen before and it makes me really upset!)


Copyright 2012 Taylor Brazzill

All Rights Reserved

COPYRIGHT: This story, "Stupid Love", including all chapters, prologues, epilogues and all associated content (i.e. fanfics, teasers and content within blogs, social networks and eReaders) is copyrighted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act of 1988. All rights are reserved by the owner and creator (LeighLeigh17/Taylor Brazzill) and any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of this work constitutes as an infringement of copyright. Any infringement of this copyright is punishable by law.




Hi! Welcome to my new story based off of the hit Korean Drama, 'Playful Kiss'.

Some parts are going to be pretty similar to the drama, but trust me, it's not going to follow it very much. Just the basics are the same.

Also, there are some scenes from 'Playful Kiss' that are going to be included in here because some I just cannot take out.

If you've seen this drama then you should know which ;D

But anyway, please enjoy this chapter and let me know how you feel about the story so far by leaving me a comment and/or voting. It would mean a ton, thanks!


I'm not stupid.

Despite what people say, I know I'm not. Sure, I might not get the best grades, and yeah, I do daydream a lot. But that doesn't mean I'm dumb.

All these people that were surrounding me now, laughing at what Bryce had said, were just... wrong.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me go back to the beginning...

One Day Before -

"So are you ready?" my best friend Jesse asked me.

"For what?" I groaned.

"The exam scores," she said. "Don't you remember? We're getting them back today."

"Oh yeah." Honestly, I'd completely forgotten. The night before I had stayed up way later than usual, putting some finishing touches on a note I was writing to Bryce Hart.

"Oh come on Caroline! Stop being so dour, there's two days before summer break and you're not even the least excited?"

"Why would I be? Everyone knows I'm going to end up attending summer school again."

Jesse let out a breath. "Well maybe if you'd study for once, you could exceed everyone's expectations."

"What's the point? I don't need some score telling me who I am."

"Okay, fine," she gave in. "I'll change the subject. So, when are you going to give him the letter?"

I felt my cheeks flush. "During lunch."

"I'm so happy for you! Finally, after a whole three years, you're going to tell him how you feel!" Needless to say, Jesse's been trying to coax me into the very thing I was getting ready to do for a while now.

Confessing my love to Bryce was going to be a complete challenge. I'm not exactly gregarious, especially when it comes to the one person who makes me act like an inane five year old. Don't get me wrong, I'm not the most mature person out there, but when it comes to talking about my feelings, I freak out.

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