Chapter 7

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A full week passed by normally, with nothing out of the ordinary happening. I went to summer school and tried to focus for the first time in a long time, and Bryce carried on teaching. We barely had any contact at all and it was... quiet. Even Maggie avoided me at any cost, which was kind of amusing in a way. 

I didn't get lost on the way anymore and I didn't call out in class. It was like something settled, almost as if there was a invisible line that Bryce and I had established after the talk in the hallway. And for that complete week neither of us crossed it.

"Okay, class dismissed," Bryce said, turning away from everyone and wiping the board.

I stood up and gathered my things before walking over to Jesse.

"I'm really starting to question signing up for this," she sighed. "The things I do for you Care-bear."

I gave her a look, a small smile slowly making it's way to my face.

"Don't call me that Jess."

"I'm spending three weeks in here for you so I'll call you whatever I want," she laughed.

We walked out of the classroom and headed towards the exit. The sun was beating down, making the heat almost unbearable and defiantly uncomfortable.

"Touche," I remarked.

"Hey, I'm starving. Do you want to go somewhere and get a bite or something?" she asked, pouting and placing one hand on her stomach before rubbing.

"Sure," I grinned. 

After debating for a few minutes, we finally decided to just go to McDonald's and each get a large fry. It wasn't like we were rolling in money.

"So did anything happen last night?" Jesse gave me a knowing look. She asked me the same thing everyday, demanding that I tell her anything and everything that happened between Bryce and I.

"No," I told her, "nothing happened."

"You've got to be kidding Caroline! You've got this amazing opportunity and nothing's happened? What are you waiting for? Make your move!"

"No," I whined. "I don't want to make my move!"

She wanted me to hit on Bryce, of all people. Was hitting on him even possible? With his cold attitude and the way he could get a person angry, I doubted it. 

"All you have to do is flirt, Caroline. It's not that hard," Jesse pressed.

I sighed. "Flirting with Bryce is like talking to a brick wall. There's no response."

"You said he pushed you up against the wall, right?"

"That's different," I argued. "He was mad."

"Whatever, I give up. Sue me for trying to be a good friend."

"Aw, Jess, you are a good friend. Who else would listen to the stupid girl's stupid boy problems?" She gave me a look, making me laugh.

"You aren't stupid," she exclaimed. "How many times do I have to tell you that?"

For the next several minutes we went back and forth, talking about anything and everything. Jesse told me about how she would be taking honors classes when the school year started, and I promised I would try my best to pass at least somewhat decently.

"So," she began, sliding into the McDonald's booth and popping a fry in her mouth, "What do you think will happen when you leave?"


"You know, when you go back home? You said you were only staying for month right?"

"Oh," I mumbled, trying to show that I hadn't forgotten. But in all honesty, I had. Things were finally starting to get comfortable, I hadn't even thought about leaving.

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