Author's Note

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Hello there!

My name is Mina and this is my first fanfiction (that I've published here). Please leave a vote or some comments if you like it and want some more~ I'm not talented in any way but I just wanted to share it. It's not my best work but I do hope you'll like it...

So, a few months ago, I watched Mary Poppins Returns and I fell in love with it! Not just because Emily Blunt (and the rest of the cast) but because of the songs, the story lines, the set and just everything!

Although Jack and Jane were given a subtle love line (which I actually found quite adorable), I noticed Jack and Mary Poppins more. It may have just been really good chemistry between the actors but I loved their little smiles and smirks at each other, their chemistry and just the scenes between them!

Let's give a little background on this story first shall we?

It is based in 1939, just when world war 2 was announced. The main children are the Banks' once again. Since MPR is set in 1934, I thought why not 5 years later.

I'm confused with their ages (Banks children) but I assume Annabel is the eldest? Anyways, whether she is or not, I made her the eldest lol

[Sidenote: go check out the fic ( by donnanoble1234 because that's where I found inspiration to write this! It's absolutely wonderful that I get excited every time she releases a new chapter! Please check it out!]

* This is a fanfic, most things that happen here are most likely not canon

Now, I'm unsure if they will stick to character but we'll have to see~ after many drafts, here's the first chapter!

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