The Life of Percy Jackson

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A small boy with long, black hair and striking green eyes sat on the floor, nodding intently as Poseidon explained to him why he had to leave. The boy smiled.

"It's okay, daddy," he said, even though he was obviously holding back tears. "I'll get to see you again though, right?"

"Of course," Poseidon said, smiling proudly at him and ruffling his hair. "You know I'll try my best."

"Yeah. What about mom?"

"Sally is the best woman I have ever met. With her as a mother, you'll be the best kid ever, right?" Poseidon asked.

"Uh-huh. My mom is the best mom. I'll make her real proud. And you too, when you come back, right?" small Percy said, puffing out his chest.

"You're such a great little optimist, Percy. Keep that attitude no matter what, you got it? I'm leaving you some gifts to help you, but you have to help your mommy and be happy. If you're happy, she'll always be happy," Poseidon told him seriously. Percy nodded and beamed up at his dad. 

"I always want mommy to be happy!"

"Me too, bud. You'll make her happy for me when I'm gone?"

"You bet!" 

"Good. Now, I need to go talk to mommy, then I'll be gone for a while, okay?" Poseidon said.

"Okay," Percy said sadly. "Bye-bye, daddy."

*                *                *

Percy, now about five years old, walked down the dilapidated street, hand in hand with his mother. Sally smiled down at him fondly as she started to point out all the families in the Seam, the poorest part of the poorest district in Panem. 

"We only have ourselves to feed, but a lot of our friends have a lot more people, okay Percy? The Everdeens have two little girls with their mom and dad. We'll probably never have to worry about them, they're resourceful and skilled. But you see the Johnsons over there? They have three little ones and hardly any money. We'll visit them a lot," Sally explained.

Percy nodded along, a strangely focussed expression on his usually goofy and distracted face. "Will we get to go help the Stevensons too?" he asked, looking up at Sally's face. "And the Smiths and the Robinsons and the Bowmans?"

"Yes Percy, we get to help all of them!" Sally told him brightly, hugging him close.

"What about our food?" he asked curiously.

"We'll figure it out," she told him playfully. He nodded happily. He wasn't really worried about getting food for himself, but he would be mad if his mom didn't get enough food.

*                *                *

Percy, now about ten years old, sat with his legs crossed in a grassy meadow. He watched in awe as Katniss Everdeen and her father sang to the mockingjays, and even the birds fell silent as they attempted to memorize the sound of the father and daughter's beautiful voices. He rocked back and forth and let himself get lost in the melody to distract himself from the constant, gnawing hunger.

He needed to ask Mr. Everdeen if he would teach him how to hunt, starting with how to shoot a bow. The only problem was, he was absolutely atrocious. Percy's determination never waivered, though. Whenever he got discouraged, he thought of his mother, sitting at home with an empty stomach and still giving everything she had to others. 

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