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Percy let out a grunt as the strange little Capitol people tore off all of his hair. 

"Why is it bad that I have hair on my legs?" he asked through gritted teeth. "Can't I go for the manly look?"

The strangely colored chicken people gave him incredulous looks. "You?" the yellow one asked. ""

Percy rolled his eyes as the other two members of his prep team, the short one and the sparkly one, ignored him and kept working. He gritted his teeth at the next strip that came off. 

"You know, all this is going to do is make me really itchy during the Games," Percy pointed out. They shrugged. 

"Not our problem," the short said dismissively. "We need you to look flawless for Portia, and she can make you look fabulous," chirped the sparkly one. 

Percy nodded. "Who's Katniss's stylist?" he asked to take his mind off of the fact that he was naked in front of Short, Sparkly, and Yellow. They didn't make him feel uncomfortable in the embarrassing way it would be to be stripped in front of regular people; more like chicken-people, but he personally wouldn't voluntarily strip in front of a chicken either.

"Cinna," Sparkly said, not looking up. "He's quite good, him and Portia compliment each other quite well."

"Ah... so do they assign stylists of the opposite sex purely for discomfort? I mean, I wouldn't mind having a guy stylist," he said, slightly embarrassed. Only slightly, because he imagined she would be like the chicken people, all weird and painted up and Capitolly. They did his hair, or tried to, and washed him before leaving. 

She was not like the chicken people. He turned bright red as she walked in, looking distinctly human... and female. He tried to relax as she circled him, but failed miserably. He wondered if she thought his tensed muscles were an attempt to show off. 

"Are you new?" he asked her to fill the awkward silence. She nodded absently. 

"So you got stuck with District 12," he said. She looked him in the eye.

"No. Cinna and I chose District 12."

Percy raised his eyebrows. "Lucky me. Hopefully you have some better ideas for our presentation than the last stylists...?" 

A hint of a smile. "Yes." 

Percy heaved a sigh of relief. "Kay. So what's going for me?" he asked, spreading out his arms. She raised an eyebrow. 

"Just about everything," she said, sounding impressed. Percy was floored. His mouth opened and closed noiselessly, completely flabbergasted. She seemed not to notice.

"Incredible muscle definition, size, you're tall but not too tall, amazing tan, beautiful eyes... Whatever I do with you, you'll be a favorite. You remind me of Finnick, actually, with black hair," she said, and Percy gave her a skeptical look. 

"No way," he said, not believing a word she said. He had heard of Finnick O'Dare, of course. He was the most famous victor of the Hunger Games, and according to Poseidon, maybe his brother. He was so famous because of how perfectly attractive he was; every girl in District 12 raved about Finnick. Percy? No way. No way, he told himself again. 

She shrugged. "What you think doesn't matter. It's how you look that matters. Well, to me, as your stylist, that is. You know what I mean," she said. "Anyways, we were thinking the miner outfit was a bit overrated. District 12 is about coal, so we decided to focus on that instead." No. Not nude. Please, not nude and covered in coal dust, like that one year... ugh. "Percy," Portia said, looking straight into his eyes with a mischevious smile, "are you afraid of fire?" He blinked. 

Percy Jackson the Tribute (Percy Jackson Hunger Games crossover)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum