The Hunt

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Percy woke up to Glimmer gently shaking him. He buried his face into the nearest available surface and muttered, "Five more minutes."

Her arms wrapped around him as she laughed softly, and Percy realized the nearest available surface was her. Strangely, his first instinct was not to just push her away.

"What do you want?" he asked, looking up and blinking blearily.

"The Careers are getting ready to go hunting for Katniss," she told him, and he stirred, reluctantly getting up. "Well, I guess I should say the other Careers, but I don't count myself as one of them after they tried to kill me."

Percy continued to slowly wake up, processing everything about as fast as the school wifi. When she said that, Glimmer almost sounded... apprehensive. What was she worried about? That he would continue to group her with the Careers. Ah.

"Oh, come on. You have every right to separate yourself," he said, and her tense body relaxed against his. "We should get going," he said. They helped each other up and started towards the Career camp.

Cato was hurrying up Clove, Marvel and Fish Girl, maybe hoping he could get them ready and start moving before Percy was ready to join them. Percy grabbed the stick he was carving and his pack.

"Clove, knife me," he said, catching the knife that came flying at him a split second later. He noticed that Glimmer still tensed up when that happened, and suppressed a grin.

Cato stood abruptly. "Let's go," he said, and the Careers jogged after him in single file. Percy and Glimmer followed in the back. Cato, unfortunately, was smart enough to start going the direction that Percy came from. Percy knew that there wasn't long until they found where he and Katniss had been at the spring. He hoped she wasn't still there.

About one minute before they arrived, they all saw Katniss spring up and start running. She was fast. The Careers started spreading out to circle her, making sure she couldn't get away. Then, right in front of them, Katniss stopped. Everyone charged forward excitedly, and she shot up a tree.

Percy definitely agreed with Gale that she looked like a squirrel when she climbed. She scampered up about twenty feet by the time they reached the base, and they sat surveying each other for a moment.

"How's everything with you?" she asked cheerily.

The Careers blinked. "Well enough," Cato responded. Percy raised his eyebrows. So he did have a sense of humor? "Yourself?"

"It's been a bit warm for my taste. The air's better up here. Why don't you come on up?" she offered. Percy hid a smile. She was playing to the audience perfectly.

"Think I will," Cato said. He started up the tree with his short sword. Once he pulled himself up, Katniss climbed just a bit farther. She had climbed another thirty feet when the branch Cato was on snapped. She looked down to see him fall flat on his back with the branch in tow, and Percy would've been able to see the hope on her face if he hadn't been rolling on the floor laughing.

Clove glowered at him as she helped Cato up, who was swearing like a fiend. Glimmer tried next, but she stopped when the branches started to crack underneath her. She pulled out her bow, and Percy saw anger flare in Katniss's eyes at the sight of it. Glimmer seemed to notice too, by the thoughtful look on her face. The weird thing was, Percy wasn't even worried about it. If Glimmer found out about Katniss's bow shooting abilities, so what? Glimmer was on their side now. Sort of.

Glimmer showed her incompetence with the bow again, but she managed to stick one arrow in the tree near Katniss. Katniss grabbed it, waving it tauntingly above her head. Some would think that was the sole purpose of retrieving it, but Percy knew that she was planning on using it against them.

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