Start from the beginning

"Fine. But I was offered a place in the nursing school." Veronica said

"Fine. But it never happened. They fired her for selling medical supplies on eBay." Bee explained 

"Will you shut up? We don't even know him." Veronica said

"Steve." The guy introduced

He put his hand out and he and Carl did some sort of weird handshake.

"Carl." Carl said

"Allie." Allie said

"Alec." Alec said

"Lip." Lip said 

"Bee." Bee said

"Debbie." Fiona said, because Debbie didn't answer

"How you doing, Debbie?" Steve asked

"Nice watch." Debbie said, not answering Steve's question

"Oh, thanks. Panerai." Steve said

"What'd that set you back, about six bills?" Debbie asked Fiona

She was eyeing the watch. Bee chuckled quietly and saw Ian coming down the stairs.

"Plus, Ian." Fiona said

"Hey." Steve said

He turned his head slightly so he could see Ian.

"Hey, Debbie, why do they call him 'Lip' and her 'Bee'?" Steve asked, rather loudly 

"Their real names are Philip and Phoebe." Fiona answered for Debbie

"Yo, Veronica! You got my keys?" Kev asked

Kev walked into the house without knocking. He saw Veronica practically straddling Steve, while trying to fix his wounds.

"What's going on here?" Kev asked

"This is Steve. Decked the bouncer at Purgatory to defend my honor." Veronica said

Fiona snorted

"My honor." Fiona corrected

"Yeah? Which bouncer?" Kev asked

"Jimmy Clifton." Fiona said

"Jimmy Cli... Well, Jesus, man, put it there! Respect!" Kev said, surprised

Kev put a hand out and Steve slapped it.

"Guy just stands there, doesn't really do anything." Steve said

"Yeah, you'll be his third conviction." Kev said

"Huh?" Steve asked

"Third or fourth." Kev said

He looks at Bee who holds up four fingers.

"Fourth. Yeah. I mean, after that much practice, you would think the man would have manslaughter down by now. No more fuck-ups like last time, like leaving his dad still breathing." Kev said

"His dad." Steve said, shocked

"Yeah. Five years, over an '87 Monte Carlo with 200,000 miles on the odometer. Fucking Monte Carlo!" Kev exclaimed

"Okay, come on, time for bed. Up the wooden hill. Come on." Fiona said

Bee, Alec, Lip, Allie, and Ian headed upstairs.

"It's not even midnight yet!" Carl complained

"Aw, man." Debbie said

Debbie and Carl went to their separate rooms.


Bee and Allie were walking down the street when they saw Lip and Ian running out of Karen's house

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Bee and Allie were walking down the street when they saw Lip and Ian running out of Karen's house.

"What the fuck?" Allie asked

"What the hell did those two idiots do?" Bee asked

"The farther you run, the more I will kill you!" Karen's dad exclaimed

He was standing at the window. Bee and Allie ran over to Lip and each put an arm around his shoulders.

"Where did you two come from?" Lip asked

"We were heading back home. What the fuck happened?" Bee asked

"Long story short, I jumped out a window and I think I broke something." Lip said

Ian came over and took over for Allie, helping Bee carry Lip.

"You guys are real fucking idiots, you know that?" Allie said

"Yeah thanks, Allie." Ian said


At the Gallagher house, Fiona was looking at Lip's foot.

"Really? An old lady on the train?" Fiona asked, skeptically

"Oh, yeah, yeah. The, um, the doors were closing on her walker, and Lip barely got his foot in in time to stop them from..." Ian started

Ian was cut off by Lip screaming in pain, when Fiona pressed too hard on his foot.

"Ow! Jesus, Fiona!" Lip exclaimed

"Can't remember whether that's good or bad. More likely, you two jumped the turnstiles again and he twisted it trying to outrun the transit cops." Fiona said

Veronica came rushing in.

"No, no! Always elevate extremities! Move before you give him a fucking embolism. You okay, Lip?" Veronica asked

"Yeah, just please don't... don't touch it." Lip begged

"Okay. Wiggle your toes." Veronica said

Lip did as told and groaned in pain. Veronica looked at Ian.

"Go to my house, top of the freezer. Yeah. Two ice packs. Second cupboard above the sink. Yeah. Liquid ibuprofen, freeze spray, ACE bandages." Veronica ordered

"Sure." Ian said

"Shouldn't we get it X-rayed?" Bee asked

"Fuck no. He'll be in the E.R. forever, and for what? 'Submetatarsal hematoma.' Thanks. Tell us something we didn't know five hours ago. Fuck off." Veronica said

She looked at Ian as he began walking out of the room.

"My bedroom, top of the TV. Yeah. Pack of smokes and a lighter." Veronica added

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, and Ian and Lip began to freak out. Ian hid under the bed and Lip hid under the blanket.

"Shit! I'm not here! I'm not here!" Lip exclaimed

"What...?" Fiona started

"You don't know us, Fiona!" Ian said

"Oh, what have you done? What have you done?!" Fiona exclaimed

Bee and Allie looked out the window and saw a big van. A man opened up the back and began to pull out a washer. Fiona ran downstairs, and Carl and Debbie followed her.

"It's okay, it just looks like a delivery guy." Allie said

Lip and Ian peeked out from their hiding spots, before fully emerging.

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