Chapter Four

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Chapter 4

“ Sweetie you can get out now”

“hmmm what?”.

“You can get out now”. But I didn’t want to really; couldn’t I sneak in her bag?

“Um ok mum”, I said but still rooted to the spot, yep I hated A. Rachel this much. She doesn’t have the right to be called an aunt. Hence forth she shall be known as um ya know um.  “Baby your still in the car” mum said oh yea she leaned across opened the door and gave me a little push!  “Mummy I don’t wanna go” I said with puppy dog eyes as she gave me my case. “Hunny don’t do that please, I love you” she kissed me on the cheek well it was worth a try. I reluctantly walked up to the door. I turned gave my mum a weak smile, a wave and told her to go already, didn’t want her to miss her flight. There was no point knocking she knew I was coming and had told me to use the spare key, great Aunt not even up to help her only niece get into the house. 

Anyway before that I was thinking of a name for her. Hmmmm?! How about just Rachel, yep that’s my creativity; jealous? I dumped my bags in the usual guest room. She was standing there fully dressed with her blonde hair, loose and well kept. She turned and smiled at me. What the hell is going on? “Um” she cleared her thought snapping me out of my thoughts wow I keep getting lost in them.  “Baby I know you lost your brother and for that I am truly sorry that I wasn’t there for either of you or even my own sister. So I have decided to try and change” she spilled to me looking sincere. What was her angle?

“What’s your angle” she looked a little taken back.  Maybe she was telling the truth?

“Nothing, im just sorry and want to help you and your mum get back on track. I know you’re moving and want to make it smooth and, worth while you really deserve better than me” she was in tears now, she meant it. She had to, she never cried. I took in her appearance she was in a grey skirt that went past her knees, a white shirt and grey jacket thing. Like a ladies suite.  

“Ok I’ll give you ONE more chance Aunt” I spoke I mean she deserved at least one more chance right? Even if she blew it I would have tried.  There you go there’s my good thing for the day. Sorted! If I haven’t already explained I try to live by doing at least one good thing a day. Lame I know but you never know who or where it’ll lead you to. You could end in an adventure. No one really gets me, so I wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t.  “I understand you, I always will you know that. Plus im proud of you for giving her a second chance after neglecting you!” said the voice that I wished I’d never hear again. Said the voice who didn’t exsist. HE WASN’T FREAKING REAL. 

He was wearing a brown and white stripy top, chinos and some vans topped with a green jumped. “Suppose you can think of clothes and they just appear” I said taking his appearance in.  He nodded with a smile. He looked happy- um to be dead. “Yep, its an awesome perk to being dead my friend” I have to laugh there.  I then realised something, “You alright dear, shall I leave you to unpack?” AUNT RACHEL! Had I spoken out loud? “No, I can access the thoughts you’re about to say but that’s it so you can push me out” hmm interesting.

I nodded to Aunt Rachel as she left. No one can think im crazy, cuz you know im trying to greaveing for my undead, dead ghost appearing brother. Arrr this was so confusing is he real? Of course he’s freaking not.  He was gone anyway, I reached into my bag and looked for my laptop. I soon had twitter, and youtube up. Click on meh mentions. 

@Zoe_1Dfanyeaxx to: @Roe_Harris – Hello there here’s a link to my cousins videos thought might entertain you? Hope your ok xxxxx

Then there was a link I clicked t open and it opened in a Youtube link. Could be interesting. It was of five boys. Two looked like the same, another was quite loud, then there was another two who looked awesome. I clicked play, “Were the Janoskian’s, and this is another failed video yahh.” The voices floated from the screen. I watched the video over and over. It was very funny, they were on a train and doing random things, I clicked on a few more.

Few hours later I was still watching, “Dinners ready honey I know I don’t normally cook so I thought I’d show you what me and your mum use to make” then she revealed a dish. It was a simple pasta but behind it was a chocolate volcano no joke. It was a massive chocolate cake with smarties and M & M, and all different kinds of sweets and chocolates’. “Im in love with this” I said pointing to the cake.

We ate in silence savouring every bit of the cake. It was like I was heaven, I loved it perfect distraction from everything. Wow mum should make this sometimes or teach me. When we were done I got up and cleaned the plates. Wellllll I put them in the dishwasher and smiled at my Aunt “I love you and thanks it was an awesome distraction”, I said and I was grateful. Never thought I’d say that. She nodded as if understanding and then let me go off to my room.

@Roe_Harris to: @Zoe_1Dfanyeaxx – Thanks so much it really made my day and im at my Aunts’ at the mo its awesome we have an awesome cake.

I replied to Zoe and then put a picture of the cake we had it was explosive. We still had some to, yum yum for tomorrow! Then the land line phone rang so I rushed to it and picked it up; “Hello, there who is this” I said in a new found confidence voice. “Hi im Joshua and is my beautiful Rachel there may I ask you?2 the voice rang back. Hmmm maybe she’s in love and so she’s changed. Yay! “Yes sure, im her niece Rosie but you can call me Roe” I informed him.

“Haha thanks sweetie nice to meet you” he chuckled as I past the phone over to A. R. and mouthed who it was she went a few shades of red round her cheeks and had the biggest smile I had ever seen. SHE’S IN LOOOVE.  Then she went out the room locked herself in her en-suite and started talking. I left the room to giver her some privacy. So she’s found someone, good. But there’s no one for me I just know. It’s because im different, shy and no one gets me so I don’t think I’ll ever find someone who loves me.  

Knock, knock someone was at the door, I wonder who at this time. But then my phone in my pocket buzzed most likely my mum. But who was behind the door? 

Authors note;

Hello there guys so if you can give me some feedback that’d be awesome. Also don’t give up on your dreams. Have a nice day I’ll try and upload again this week, please vote and comment lets me know if its worth writing! x

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