I'm back - 29 | attitude

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"Yeah yeah, whatever," I waved her off, grumbling. "Not like a substitute can even give out detentions," I mumbled quietly so that no one other than me and Sera could hear it.

I heard Sera snort next to me. After Ms. Kensington started to 'teach,' she turned to me. "That was awesome, no one stands up to Kensington, ever." She said it as if I was some big hero or something. "You're going to be a legend," she said, pushing her glasses farther up her face.

I chuckled, "For sure." I said matter-of-factly, though I was just joking. I wasn't legendary, I was grumpy. So in reality, was I really fearless, or just dumb? Probably both.

Sera and I continued to talk about various things until the bell rang signaling the end of class. When I got up, she looked like she wanted to say something else, but kept it to herself. "And now to athletics," I mumbled quietly, yipee.

She had threatened to give me detention, but as a sub, she didn't have that kind of authority. If Mr. Kensington is anything like the Missus, she's in deep shit. That sub was something else, journalism was hell for the week and a half that Ms. Hunch was out sick.

Trying to come up with a solution, I suggested skipping. "How about you come to class with me then? Ms. Hunch won't mind, I'm sure." I've talked so much of all my friends in that class, I'm sure she'd love to meet one of them. 

Daphne bit her lip, but we didn't have much time to decide as the hall monitors would start for this period soon. If you got caught skipping by one then it was an automatic detention, a lot of them are power-hungry and use it to their advantage.

She nodded, "Alright, let's do it."

We made our way to the library. There's another exit inside and Ms. Hunch's room is across the hall from it, so if we're caught on the way we'll say we're headed there and not class. It has been very convenient for me when I've been late these past few months.

There's another reason why it's so nice having the library close, all of our research and resources are close and easy to reach. Talk about good planning!

We walked in shortly after the bell and were greeted by Ms. Hunch, "Oh, Annalise! I see you've brought a friend," she smiles big at Daphne, offering her a wave.

I nod, "This is my best friend, Daphne." Ms. Hunch pretends not to know who she is, and she plays the part well. But secretly she knows everything about everyone in my life, including my father. For a while, she wanted to call CPS, but I think she's just biased, my father isn't that bad.

After our introductions, I headed to my table in the back with Daphne in tow. "Hey, Rachel, how's the story coming?" I asked, taking a seat. She looked up, ready to update me but when she saw Daphne she squealed. 

It occurred to me that they might not have any classes together, the last time they saw each other was probably weeks ago at the party we took Summer to. But Rachel wasn't the only one, everyone seemed to be having trouble focusing today, they couldn't take their eyes off Daphne.

As journalists for the school newspaper, we're a tight-knit bunch. Daphne is the newbie, she's a brand new toy just waiting to be opened.

I bit my lip, debating whether I should tell her or not. I have to at some point, she's my best friend. But I'm nervous... The only thing I'm sure of is that by the end of this day I'll have teeth marks permanently implanted on my lips. 

I made my decision.

I let Rachel and Daphne catch up for a bit before I tapped her shoulder, ready to share the news. "I need to tell you something," I whispered. Daphne nodded, leaning closer to me so that she could hear what I have to say. "Zach showed up at my house this morning at four-thirty."

I'm back | ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz