I'm back - 34 | fangirling

Start from the beginning

Daphne turned to Summer, "Please hurry," she begged. I knew that Daphne was excited about being here too. She wanted to go to college for business, so she was pretty excited to see Wall Street and all of its opportunities as well.

I left them be and went into the kitchen to brew some of that instant hotel coffee, it doesn't taste the greatest but I wasn't about to spend money on coffee when there's some right here! 

I stirred in some sugar before taking a sip, "Tomorrow better not be like this," Daphne grumbled, joining me in the kitchen. She leaned against the counter across from me, "It was way too hard to get you guys up. At this rate we'll sleep through the entire vacation."

"We'll be better tomorrow, promise." And I meant it. Daphne does so much for us on a day-to-day basis, the least we can do is get up in the morning. We hadn't been there long before Summer joined us, "Ready?" I asked, and she nodded.

I did a slow twirl as we walked down the streets of New York. It was already eleven so we were heading to Nobu in Soho for lunch. I could see it come into view. The girl walking in seemed vaguely familiar... Then it clicked, Livia Baskiss was going to eat at Nobu.

Livia Baskiss is my favorite singer!

Summer squeaked, "Guys did you see that! It was Livia Baskiss, she just went into Nobu!" She pointed at the restaurant. Though I don't think that anyone could have not noticed, she had security a mile-long trailing behind her. 

I nodded, "Guys, let's not bother her, she's just trying to have lunch." I said trying to be mature about it even though I wanted so badly to ask for an autograph. Livia was our age too, so just imagine wanting to do what you love and have a normal life, but you're constantly being swarmed by people of all ages.

"I agree, she might be an idol, but she's also just a teenage girl." Daphne agreed, understanding what it's like.

We made it to the restaurant and when we walked inside I could see Livia being led to her table by a busboy. I was brought out of my thoughts by the hostess, "Hello, welcome to the famous Nobu! How many in your party?"

I smiled brightly, ignoring the singer, "Three."

She typed it into the computer before looking up, "Can I have a name?"

"Annalise Stark," we've just been using my name for everything. It was on our plane tickets, our hotel room, and anything my father planned before the trip became ours. 

She nodded, putting it into the computer before waving over another busboy. "Terrance, could you please help them to table seventeen?" I smiled at her and mouthed a thank you as Terrance led us away, presumably to table seventeen. 

As we walked we passed Livia, she was engulfed in a menu. 

"Here we are," Terrance placed three menus on the table and we scooted into the rounded booth. "Your server will be here shortly, take this time to look over our wonderful menu," he said enthusiastically before returning to his other duties.

I looked over it, and it wasn't as expensive as I thought it would be. But I wasn't sure what I wanted yet. "Hello, and welcome to Nobu. I'm Alana and I'll be your server today!" I looked up from the menu to see a red-haired girl wearing the generic uniform. "Why don't we start with some drinks?" She took out her pad and pen.

We went around the booth ordering and she wrote it all down before smiling and walking away to get them. I looked over at my friends, "This place sure is strange," I said, opening my menu once again. "Some things are dirt cheap, while others are more expensive than my phone."

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