"You're such a killjoy." pouted Ha-Na as she followed him, and I followed her. Ha-Na picked up her swim cover as we followed Jungkook to his carriage...one thing I should explain about carriages is that they are not pulled by horses, but are automatic and run by electricity. Being able to ride in a fancy carriage was a privilege only given to royalty. We didn't live in some sort of medieval society, but one that was a little more conservative in some ways than others.

"What princes would freak out?" I asked curiously as we got into the carriage.

"Well I know that Taehyung would for sure, if he goes to look for you and can't find either of you he will definitely think someone took you or that you got lost," commented Jungkook as we began to head back to the castle.

"He would." I giggled before looking out the window to see the lake disappearing from view.

"Maybe we should get one of the princes to take us back there as one of the outings." sighed Ha-Na.

"Tae would take you," I told her. She looked at me in surprise.

"Why would he take me? I'm still confused on why he chose me to stay. He has barely even talked to me." she pouted.

"Cause he likes you, he's just nervous to talk to you," I explained. She looked like she was going to pass out from the shock.

"Are you serious?! And here I thought that he was just keeping me around because he didn't want to pick one of the other girls to stay...wow..." she said in awe. Jungkook giggled.

"He always talking about you. It's kinda annoying," commented Jungkook.

"I wish he'd talk to me then...he's always talking to you, (y/n)." pouted Ha-na.

"He's good friends with my older brother. So he feels comfortable talking to me because of that." I shrugged.

"Ah, yes, Min-Sun's a cool guy. I haven't seen him in a while though..." he trailed off.

"He's been busy with working in politics now with my father. Getting ready to take over the family name and all that jazz soon." I sighed. I really tended to hate politics.

"He was more into that kind of stuff than most of us," replied Jungkook.

"Did you hear that Da-hwi is going to marry his betrothed as soon as the Collection has come to a conclusion?" asked Ha-na. Jungkook's eyes widened.

"Really? Yoongi and Da-hwi didn't tell me that! Wow, it'll be so weird for him to be married..." Jungkook thought aloud.

"You're brother is betrothed? To who?" I asked.

"My brother being the first prince is next in line for the so his marriage is very important...he actually is choosing to marry his betrothed. My parents gave him the choice, but Lady Min Yuri has been living with my family now since we teens so I'm not surprised he chose her to stay," explained Ha-Na.

"Lady Min Yuri? As in Lord Min Yoongi's younger sister?" I asked in clarification.

"Yep! Since their parents died when the two were young Yuri went to live with my family as Yoongi worked to take care of the estate and political affairs for the family with their uncle." she continued as they arrived at the castle. As soon as we got into the castle Taehyung was waiting for them as he ran right at us. I braced myself to get tackled, but it never came. I stood there with an amused smile as I watched him grab onto Ha-Na's upper arms as he looked at her in concern.

"What were you thinking! Something could have happened to you two!" he yelled frantically. Ha-Na's face was bright red as she looked down at what she was wear...she was clad only in the swimwear, her cover still in her hands. Taehyung's eyes grazed over her body as he quickly let go of her arms and turned away from her with a flushed face.

"We're fine, Tae, don't worry. We just wanted to get some fresh air. We didn't mean to freak you out." I soothed him as I walked over to him. "We're going to go get changed. Do you need anything from us?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Come on Ha-na. See you later, Tae." I called to him as I grabbed Ha-na's hand. Jungkook got Taehyung's attention and started talking to him as we walked away.

"You should put your cover on so we don't have another blushing prince like Taehyung." I giggled. She quickly put her cover on, her face still red.

"See I told you he cares about you." I teased.

"Shut up," she whined. "I'm going to go take a nice bath and chill out before dinner. I'll see you soon, (y/n)." She waved as she departed to head back to her own room. I walked back towards my room and as I turned the corner I stopped as I saw a figure leaning against the wall near my door to my bedroom. I got closer as I looked at him in confusion. He looked up to see me coming.

"You shouldn't have left the castle without telling anyone," he said lowly.

"I didn't realize that leaving would be such a problem. I'm sorry if I made you worry." I apologized.

"You could've gotten hurt! Or worse taken by someone! You went out without any guards or without letting anyone know! Thank god, Tae asked Jungkook to look after Ha-Na and she was with you or who knows what could've happened!" Jimin exclaimed as he was right in front of me now. I could feel the heat of his body radiating from it as he was near me he was so fired up.

"But I didn't...Jimin, I'm sorry. I won't do it again, I promise." I said softly as I tried not to let him see that I was holding back tears.

"You need to think before you do stuff like that. You are a Lady, didn't your father ever teach you to not wander off the grounds without a guard or an escort!? You could become a princess, and a princess can't wander off on her own without telling anyone!" he continued until he suddenly stopped.

"(y/n)?" he asked softly.

"I'm sorry..." I choked out softly. Suddenly I felt myself being pulled forward as a pair of strong arms wrapped around me. I let out a little gasp as he pulled me into a hug.

"I didn't mean to make you cry," he said softly near my ear. I just sniffed and tried to hold back my tears.

"It was my fault. You're right. I should've told someone we were leaving the grounds." I replied shakily. He let me go and stood back from me...but his hands still lingered on my arms.

"Please don't cry anymore. Lesson learned. Just promise me you won't leave the grounds like that again without telling me or someone else, please?" he begged softly. I nodded.

"I promise."

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