Finally, after what seemed to be an endless pain in the ass to me, Thomas took a chair, which previously rested in the corner of the room, and sat in front of me.

"Okay. Sorry it took so long, but now I know that your recovery is going well. Shall we start then, Mr.Kogane?"

I let out a rough sigh.

"Please..." I started but my voice soon dimished into a harsh gargle.

The nurse must have realized what the problem was, he excused himself out of the room and soon came back with a glass of warm water.

"Are you okay, sir? I can come back later." Thomas said, sounding genuinely worried.

"Keith. My name is Keith." I said disgruntled by the fact, that this guy still called me as if I was Cole.

The nurse took a moment to process what Keith was talking about and reasked his question.

"No. I am fine enough to answer whatever you might want to ask me." I said politely, trying to stifle my need for an explanation.

"Okay then, Keith. What is the last thing you remember?" 

It was my chance. I could spill everything to this guy here, named Thomas, and be free from Krolia and Cole. 

However, I know they were supposed to be away but I am at the hospital, right? How many days have passed? Hell, what if there really was a car crash but it happened after my parents beating me and I can't remember it?

On second thought, it may be a little too much of a conspiracy theory.

What if they find out? I don't know why but I couldn't say that I have a problem with my parents, even if I tried. 

What is the last thing I remember?

My  mother, telling me I was broke. She then left the basement.

"A car. It was coming our way. I was in the backseat." After a brief moment I force myself to ask "Are they okay?"

"They?" The nurse seemed confused. "Ah, your parents? Yes they are okay, you were the only one that got hit. Your parents brought you here immidiately. Fortunately, the crash happened not so far from here."

Jeez, and they really believe that?

"Where are they now?" 

Thomas became a little anxious after that question.

"They said...They said that they had a very important meeting in another country to attend to. We wanted to stop them but Mrs.Kogane started crying and said 'If we don't go we won't be able to pay! Our son's live is in danger,

 we have to go!'" He said, probably not fully realizing what had he just done.

A silence set in and Thomas seemed not to notice. Although when you think about it, Thomas must be a little of an idiot. That or he doesn't have a TV.

My parents are probably getting drunk at the moment or they are gambling. Fuckers.

There was one more thing I dreaded to ask about.

"What about my injuries?"

His head snapped and he sucked in a deep breath.

"Right. I was about to tell you about that. I must say it is a miracle." Thomas started to explain. "You lost a lot of blood but thankfully you have the most common blood type, thus there were no problems with transfusion. As for your injuries, you probably noticed that one of your eyes is covered with gauze. There is nothing to worry about though. You only have a black eye so I am pretty sure we are going to take it off today. Unfortunately..." he stopped for a moment. "this is probably the only good news. Five of your fingers are broken. Fortunately four of them were just cracked, so they should heal quickly. Your shoulder was dislocated but we set it back in place. You can experience some aching but nothing more. While we are talking about dislocations, your hip wasn't in the best state either. But it is all fixed up now. The real problem are your arms. Your radius was broken badly. Your bone shifted by a few millimeters and we had to set it back in. As you can see it is in a cast and it will most likely heal for about two more weeks if not more. Your other hand...Jesus I hate doing this." Thomas whispered the last part. I heard him.

Abused- Klance, Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now