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Hey Guys! So this is the short story i've been talking about. That one that i had some vote for on who the love interest was going to be ^^ i'm just about finished so I wanted to post the first chapter to give you guys a sneak peek. Let me know what you think of it :) Btw can anyone make a cover for me? I lost the program to make the covers and idk how to do it anymore so give me a site or make one pwease :3

Naruto was running through the forest with Kiba and Neji at his side chasing a group of rouge ninja. They have been chasing these ninja for days for they have been terrorizing villages and small towns for years; finally the Leaf has found them. There were five of them who they were chasing. The shinobi were wearing clothing that covered them from head to toe only leaving their eyes exposed.

Naruto looked at both Kiba and Neji who nodded. Hearing a low whistle they looked up at Shikamaru who was hidden in the shadows above them signaling that the plan was about to begin. Sasuke was in position, ready for the rouges to fall into their traps. Naruto lunged forward with his Rasengan already aiming for a female shinobi. Quickly, the female jumped unknowingly towards Shikamaru who was already starting his shadow possession jutsu. When the female noticed Shikamaru she was already captured by his shadow.

Her comrades ran faster not even glancing in her direction. They were leading them closer and closer towards Sasuke as planned. Shikamaru set the female ninja on the tree but she turned into a log which he didn't expect. Looking down, Shikamaru saw the female sneaking up on Naruto; before he could shout to him it was too late. Naruto was already attacked from behind. Neji rapidly went to his aid but once he got there the female was already gone with her group.

Sasuke heard the rouges approaching his location. The trap was ready for them.....three....Sasuke started to make hand signs.......two.....he got his hand put his hand on the wire sending electricity throughout them which the rouges all ran into. They all fell to the ground. Everyone surrounded them getting the chakra cuffs ready.

"Mission complete," Kiba confirmed.

"Bark," Akamaru agreed.

"That was easy!" Naruto cheered.

"Too easy," Shikamaru pointed out.

"Let's get them cuffed so we can go home," Kiba said.

Neji got out the cuffs walking towards one of the rouges but noticed something was off about them.

"What's wrong Neji?" Naruto questioned.

"Something is off about these rouges." Neji explained.

"What's wrong with them?" Kiba questioned.

"Their chakra is different than normal shinobi......and it wasn't like this before when we first were pursuing them." Neji explained.

"He's got a point," Sasuke agreed.

A whistle of a Kunai flying through the air was heard from behind them. They jumped out of the way. It was embedded in the tree behind where the rouges were near. Everyone looked in the direction the Kunai came from and saw the same rouges that were unconscious not too far from them.

"What the?" Naruto said.

Neji threw his own kunai at one of the unconscious rouges in his heart. Once it made impact the rouge disappeared.

"How is that possible?" Kiba questioned.

"Yeah if they were clones then wouldn't they have disappeared already?" Naruto pointed out.

"This is very strange," Shikamaru said.

"We must hurry; kill them." The only female commanded.

"Yes sir." The rest obeyed.

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