Chapter 10

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Time flies fast, hoseok's birthday is 3 days from now and yoongi was still stressed about it. He didn't realized that hoseok's birthday is already near

He asked seokjin and namjoon to help him organize the party and both of them gladly agreed. They all agreed on holding the party at seokjin's place because it'll be hard for them to organize the party with hoseok's around.
And soobin's job is to distract hoseok which is very easy for soobin. He can just ask hoseok to doodle or something and he'll gladly obey.

"Yah. Soobin-ah"
Hoseok called out to the younger who was busy playing video games
"Yeah?" He replied, his eyes still focused on the game.

"Do you think yoongi hyung is mad at me?" He asked

"Why? Did you do something that'll make him mad?"

Hoseok stop for a moment to think about that but he doesn't really remember anything. He's been a good boy!

"I don't know.."

"Well.. I don't think brother is mad at you. He will never be mad at you" soobin stated. He doesn't think yoongi would be able to be mad at hoseok anyways. No matter what hoseok
Do. Yoongi is obsessed with him and that's the truth.

"You think so?"

"Yeah, he's probably just busy with jobs. You know.. Old people"
Soobin shrugged, he could imagine his brother running after him if ever yoongi heard him call him 'old' he knows how his brother hates being called old.

Hoseok smiled and goes back to doodling.

Yoongi is always busy.. He's always coming home late. He only cuddles hoseok to sleep and when he wakes up. He's gone.


"Hurry up, i need to go home. Hoseok needs me" yoongi grunted, jin is moving too slow!

"Yah! How about help us put the things in your car instead of just sitting there?!"
If looks could kill then yoongi must've been 10 ft buried underground by now from how jin is glaring at yoongi

"I'm still tireeeed" yoongi whined
"Both me and namjoon are the only one who took care of placing stuff in the cart! You didn't even do that much"

"Jin hyung calm down" namjoon pats him on the back to calm him down. When they're finally done. They both got inside the car.

"An elephant has entered the car" yoongi jokingly said which made jin keep glaring at him.

"I'm just joking hyung hahaha no need to be so serious. You're gonna look old if you keep frowning"

Without hesitation, jin pinched yoongi on his side making him shriek in terror.
"Who's old now huh?!"

Namjoon just sighed as he watch his two hyungs fight.
Both of them are old. No need for them to fight about that.
Are they really older than him tho?

"I'm home!"

Hoseok's tail started wagging when he heard yoongi from the doorway. He quickly stood up and rushed to the older jumping onto him. yoongi nuzzled his face onto hoseok's neck, he missed his baby's scent so much.

"Welcome back, brother" soobin greeted him with a smile.

"Yeah, have you guys eaten yet?"

Both of them shook their head then suddenly, hoseok's stomach growl.

"I bought some foods for you guys. Come on. Let's feed the worms inside your belly" yoongi joked, poking hoseok's tummy making the hybrid giggle.

"I'll help set the table then" soobin volunteered


After eating, soobin went to bed first leaving the two from the kitchen.

"Let's sleep as well.. " yoongi carried hoseok and made his way to their bedroom

"I want cuddles" the hybrid pouted

"C'mere then"

When hoseok woke up he was not surprised when the older wasn't beside him

He yawned and stood up, walking inside the bathroom.

"Goodmornin" soobin greeted


He brushed his teeth and washed his face before going to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

His eyes widened when he saw yoongi making breakfast.
"Goodmorning seokie" he flashed him his gummy smile.

Hoseok hummed and waddled towards him, hugging him from behind "you know i can't cook with you hugging me from behind" yoongi chuckled but hoseok doesn't wanna let go.

"I promise we'll cuddle more later.".

The two didn't noticed that soobin was watching them from a distance.

Oh, how he envy him.

He wonders how does it feels like being with someone that you love. But he's too young to think about that so he tried his best to focuse on watching cartoons.

But for some reason, huening kai suddenly come across his mind.

He shook his head, no.. He's not gay! I mean there's nothing wrong with that.. But.. He's too young.. Argh.

"You ok?" Hoseok approaches him. He looked at him for a minute and smiled faintly

"... Yeah"



Both hoseok and soobin looked at yoongi's direction, watching him as he talk with someone on the phone.

"Yeah, i could come right now. Okay"

As soon as yoongi hung up hoseok ran up to him and pouted "you said we'll cuddle!"

"Sorry, seokie. Hyung needs to work. Wait for me later. Okay peach?" Yoongi pats him on his head.

There's nothing hoseok can do to stop yoongi from leaving so he just watched him as he grabbed his car keys and his coat.

"Hoseok hyung.. Wanna play?"



"I don't think that one looks nice. Put it there instead"

"Ugh fine"

"Hurry up slowpokes, i'm getting sleepy. I'm tired" yoongi groan, making himself comfortable on the couch.

Jin mentally slapped himself on the forehead. how did this lazy man became his friend...?

"You're tired? You only carried one plastic bag and arranged the invitation while me and namjoon had to arrange the chairs and tables outside the garden." Jin rolled his eyes at the mint haired guy laying on the couch.

"No talking more working" yoongi switched his position, his back facing jin

"You little--"

Namjoon placed the cups on the table sitting down beside yoongi.

"How about we rest for now? We still have one day before the main event" namjoon suggest and the two of them agreed.

"Wake me up later" yoongi grabbed the cushion, hugging it tightly. Imagining it was hoseok.

"Let's sleep?" Namjoon asked the older, smiling widely.
Jin happily agreed.

He needs a very long and deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2019 ⏰

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