Chapter 1

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"Oh dear... I don't want him!! He's hideous!! He's a monster!!"

"throw him out... He is not my son"

Yes... That's right. I'm a monster that most people fear of..

But.. Out Of all the people in the world, why me?


Hoseok's POV

I let out a loud yawn as i searched for food in the trashcan but it was empty..
I haven't eaten for.. 4 days now.. My hoodie is the only cloth i wore for years now.. I found this hanging in the trashcan.. I needed clothes to keep me warm so i really don't have any choice.

I don't let people see me because.. I'm pretty much different.. I'm a half cat and half human.. I think hybrid is what they call me??

"Yah! What are you doing here?!"
A group of kids appeared infront of me.
"I was just..  Resting.." I muttered.

They didn't leave me alone. Instead they continued glaring at me.

"You should leave. This is our territory."

I didn't want any trouble so i stood up and was about to leave when they stopped me. "Leave your things too"


Before i could protest they already grabbed my stuffs and pushed me away.. "Leave or we'll hurt you"

I wiped my tears that was forming in my eyes.. Why are they so mean..?

I sighed and walked away from their 'territory'

Now.. Where should i go..? Got no more place to go.. Plus it's getting darker.  I need to find shelter soon.

Yoongi's POV

"Hey, jin hyung. I can't come over to your house right now 'cause i need to go get some groceries.. My fridge is getting empty"

"I under---" *tooot tooot*

Before he could even speak i already ended the call. Pretty sure jin hyung's gonna lecture me again..

"Here's your change sir.. Please come again.." I took the plastic bag from the counter and made my way out of the store.. I wonder what should i make for dinner.. Maybe a cup of noodles? Hmm.. That'll be nice.. It's cold today so.. Maybe eating some warm noodles might be nice.

"Ugh.. I forgot to buy some eggs.. Damn it" i sighed. I'm getting old.. Honestly.

As i kept walking at the side of the road, i felt like i stepped on something.. And it whimpered. I looked down on my feet and saw a kid sitting on the ground

I stepped on his foot.. "Oh I'm sorry"
"I-it's okay.. It didn't hurt anyway" he looked up at me and smiled

Wow.. He's so cute..

"Where's your parents..? How old are you? What are you doing out here?"
I asked.  I'm a little worried.  He's a kid. He's not supposed to be here late at night..

"I... I don't have one... I- i'm 17 years old.. I don't have a home.. That's why--"

He's already 17?? He looks so damn young how could that happen?
"What's your name?"

"I'm hoseok! But hobi is what they call me" he replied

"Well then hobi.. If you'd like you could live in with me"
I smiled at him and when i was about to pat his head he took a step back

"Thank you mister but.. No thank you.. I- "

"What? I'm willing to take you in.. I'm harmless i promise.. I just want to help."

He shook his head and smiled back at me "i know.. But i just.."

"Come with me"

Hoseok's POV

"Come with me"

He said in a very serious face but he still kept that concern look in his eyes with slight smile.. It's like something in me wants to give in and take his hand.. But i just can't..

"He's a monster"

I just don't want him to fear me..

So instead... I ran away. As fast as i could..

I don't want to be feared by anyone.. I'm sorry for the only person who cared for me genuinely

I heard him yelled but i didn't looked back.

Yoongi's POV

I looked around and searched for him anyway.. I don't know why i'm doing this for his sake when i don't even know him.. It's just.. There's something with him that makes me want to protect him from any harm.. He just looks innocent..

So fragile.

It's just so rare.

It has been  3 days since i saw the kid. But i'm still determined to look for him and convince him to take my offer. I may look like a creep but.. I just wanted to help.  I don't know if he's eating properly and even though he's 17 he's still too young to experience this..

I went back to the place where we first met... And there was a boy with the same hoodie as hobi sitting on the ground.. "Hoseok.."

I placed the plastic bags full of breads and stuffs to eat gently besides him and walked away..

If he doesn't want to live with me then i'll just give him stuffs..

"M-mister .."

Hoseok's POV

I smiled when i saw lots of bread inside the plastic bag..  "Thank you mister.."

"Give them to me" i looked up at the person infront of me "i'll take them by force then"

It's the same person from before...

"Please don't-- i haven't eaten for 5 days now..  Please.." I begged him still not letting go of the bag

I need it...

"What a surprise aren't everyone on the street does?"


I watched him as he walked away with the bag... He could atleast give me one.. There's plenty of it inside..

If i don't eat.. I- I'll die..

Yoongi's POV

i scratched the back of my head as i drank my water bottle.. "Ah.. I forgot.. Jin said he'll make me some soup"

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed his number.

"Hello hyung?"

"Yah. Yoongi! Where are you. I told you that you should be here before 7 ! Where are you?"

"Sorry hyung.. I'm on my way"
I chuckled.

"You better be or i'll smack your face so hard you'd be flying around the globe"

I scoffed " geez alright no need to be so harsh."

"Kay! *tooot toot*"

I quickly grabbed my coat and opened the door.


"Ah.. It hurts.."

Eh.. What is he doing here? How did he--


A/n: i'm back ya'll. And again i'm sorry for the grammatical errors. English ain't my first language.

Let's all hope this story goes well.. 😹🙀 please

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