1: Ört|Society

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The earliest memory in his mind was of his mother, a strong noble Russian woman, walking away from him with just a single piece of luggage. Her back was beautiful, as was her short hair, but the distance between them was inexplicably great. He remembers the arms of his father, wrapping around him, holding him close and apologizing for this misfortune. He said that he would protect him, watch over him, and make sure that his life was worth living, even if she had told him it was worthless.

Victor Nikiforov was the name on his birth certificate. Victor Crevan was the only name he accepted as his own. Out of respect for his father, he grew his hair out long. It was a shade of silver purer than the dusty grey of his father's, but Adrian didn't seem to mind. He would always compliment it and tell Victor how nice it looked. Victor took great pride in his hair. Even to the day that Adrian said they'd be moving back to America.

"Now, you know Americans can be a bit, well, Americans? Don't take it personally when they don't seem to like your hair or accent," Adrian explained.

"Yes, Papa," Victor smiled. He knew very well that Adrian's home town was a bit...angry. What he didn't know what's that his hometown would be filled with a different type of violence. The news was riddled with conspiracies related to a certain company. The very man that was on the front page seemed to monopolize the city. He was everywhere and even in the articles that people bashed him in, there was a sense of respect for Vincent Phantomhive. Victor didn't understand it.

When he first entered high school there were a few comments about his hair, his accent, and other things. He didn't mind. He was just glad that he was walking the same halls as his father. Victor was the type to make friends fast and easy. The only problem was that two of his closest friends were in opposing gangs. They were constantly at each other's throats.

It wasn't until the summer after his junior year that Victor decided to reboot his father's old gang: Dispatch Society. He'd done it for selfish reasons. Naturally. And also because Ciel Phantomhive was such a prick thinking he could start a gang in this high school without competition.

"Victor, are you sure this is a good idea? I don't mind being your friend but I'm already in my own gang," Yuri frowned.

"It's the best idea, I know what I'm doing," Victor assured.

"Consider it more of a club, shortie," Otabek crossed his arms.

"Say that to my face, bastard," Yuri walked up to Otabek, threatening to give him a good punch to the dick. Where else was he supposed to reach? Otabek had called him short, after all.

"I would but I'd have to lean down," Otabek glared. Victor sighed. The two never got along. Yuri and Victor had bonded over their long hair. Otabek and Victor were on the same sports teams. The only thing keeping this group together was him and of course Chris.

"I swear there is so much sexual tension in this room. I can't even cut it with my hand," Chris sighed. "They should just fuck. A good fuck never killed nobody."

"My uncle did a scientific study on that," Victor snickered. "Turns out you're not entirely wrong."

"See? It's science," Chris smiled. "I'm the expert in gayology."

"We're not going to fuck! Ever!" Otabek and Yuri yelled in unison. This statement just caused a look of understanding to pass between Victor and Chris. They were like parents laughing at their children for being so stubborn.

"In any case, join my gang!" Victor draped his arms over Otabek's and Yuri's shoulders. He held them close and smiled that smile they couldn't refuse.

"Fine, for you," Yuri rolled his eyes.

"If you insist," Otabek sighed.

"Great! I knew you would understand," Victor laughed. Dispatch Society had always been a part of his father's life. It was time to make it a part of his.

Dispatch Society [SEQUEL TO THE FUNTOM COMPANY]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora