Chapter 3: Mr. Perfect Opens Up

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"Oh my gosh, boy bye! How the hell are you gonna have enough energy to teach all of this to Younghoon in a few hours? I'm dying! This is impossible!" Chanhee whined.

"Oh, hell noooooooooooo~~~! This is intense! I thought you were nice Changmin!" Kevin added in.

Changmin giggled. "I am nice! But Haknyeon warned you all this was going to be hard! You guys did amazing! Keep practicing! I'm so proud of how we did today," Changmin said with a smile. "So that's it for today. I'll see you guys next time!"

Changmin dismissed the eight other members from practice before packing his own things. Changmin took his phone out to check the time. He let out a big sigh upon it was only 6:30, which was followed by a loud rumble from his stomach.

"Deobi Burger is pretty delicious. I can just go early and eat, then wait there for Younghoon," he thought.

Changmin left the school and walked about five minutes around the corner before reaching Deobi Burger. It was one of the most famous burger restaurants in town, and was always pretty was no exception.

"Hi welcome to Deobi Burger! How many today?"

"Just one. I'm Younghoon's teamm--classma--acqua--friend. Yeah. I'm Younghoon's friend. We're hanging out after his shift so I just came to eat and then wait for him."

"Sure! Right, this way!" the hostess happily responded.

The hostess sat Changmin right near Younghoon's section of the restaurant where he was serving. He was able to observe Younghoon as he ate, the other seemingly not even noticing he was there.

"Hi! I'm Younghoon and I'll be your server! Is there anything I can get you guys? Our cookies and cream milkshakes are really hot right now!" Changmin watched as Younghoon brightly and happily introduced himself with a bright smile. A blonde haired, muscular man with a puppy dog smile and his brown-haired boyfriend with a hyena-like laugh placed their orders. "Sure! I'll put that right in for you guys!" Younghoon happily said.

He was so much brighter, energetic and friendly here. The Younghoon here was like a completely different person. He seemed so friendly, approachable and nice. "If only he were like this around me," Changmin thought. This is how he thought Younghoon should always be, and it was pretty weird to see this side of him.

Changmin finished his meal, then remained in his seat, playing on his phone waiting around for Younghoon. After taking a cute selfie of himself with his finished milkshake, he looked up, suddenly surprised by the tall, handsome male in front of him.

"Hey, you're early," he casually spoke.

"Oh! Hi Younghoon. Yeah, I was hungry after practice and just came early so I could eat. I figured I might as well just eat here so we could practice right away."

"Oh okay. Makes sense." An awkward silence between the two made itself very evident. "Well I gotta get back to work," Younghoon replied. For some reason, he seemed so different. He seemed softer, more open and less cold. Maybe it's because he wasn't at school, but suddenly Q didn't feel so intimidated by him.

Time flew and suddenly it was 10:00. Before he realized it, Changmin was walking back home with Younghoon. They didn't say a word to each other on the five-minute walk from Deobi Burger to Changmin's house. Changmin couldn't really figure out what to say, and Younghoon was on his phone the whole time, but it was fine.

"Uh...we're here," Changmin awkwardly said. Younghoon looked up a bit surprised, before looking at Changmin's house. It was smaller than his, but he didn't mind because it was still decently sized and looked comfortable, which was confirmed when Younghoon walked in. The house felt warm, open and safe.

Voices: A Bbangkyu StoryWhere stories live. Discover now