Chapter 2: Curiosity

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The Boyz were once again in the practice room. They had just finished the beginning stages of new choreography to perform EXO's "Call Me Baby." They were all pretty exhausted, huffing and puffing, laying on the ground. This excluded the two captains, Haknyeon and Changmin, who were standing tall at the front of the room. It was Changmin's first time running practice alongside Haknyeon and it actually wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. However, the two decided to hold practice tomorrow, which Changmin would be running alone.

"Alright so tomorrow, Changmin will be holding practice with everyone! Sunwoo and I won't be able to attend. Don't you guys give him a hard time."

"Hot date?" Juyeon questioned.

"No, Sunwoo, Hyewon and I will be going to FNC to hang out with Cherry Bu--look that's not the point!" The Boyz all laughed in amusement at their flustered captain.

"Point is you will all be practicing with Changmin tomorrow after school. So be here. It may be his first time running practice alone, but he won't be taking it easy on you guys. We're gonna start the next part of "Call Me Baby", so don't skip."

"No. Nope, I'm not doing it. Sorry," Younghoon suddenly responded.

"But Youngh--" Haknyeon tried reasoning with the older boy.

"I have senior activities club after school, and then I have work right after. So sorry, not sorry but I'm not coming. I have other commitments and you can't stop me."

"If you can't commit to this group then you should just leave it, pretty boy," Sunwoo defended Haknyeon.

"Maybe I will," he snapped back.

"Stop! Stop! Let's not fight!" Changmin yelled out. Everyone turned to the new co-captain expectantly.

"Look I don't mind helping you after work Younghoon. I can teach you everything we do at practice when you finish. We can go back to my place. My parents won't mind and I only live like five minutes away," Changmin added. He had to show he was taking this role of captain seriously, and furthermore, this was the perfect way to get to know more about Younghoon.

"My shift doesn't end until 10:00," Younghoon remarked, furrowing his brow with judgemental eyes.

"That's fine. My parents don't really care when I come home, and they love when I bring people over anyway. If I don't help you or keep this group together what kind of co-captain would I be? It's no big deal. I don't want you to fall behind."

"Are you sure about this Changmin?" Haknyeon asked.

Changmin nodded. "I want to help you Younghoon."

Younghoon made eye contact with the bright-eyed, brunette boy, giving him a serious and almost soul-piercing gaze. "Hmph. Fine. Just meet me at my job at 10. I work at Deobi Burger around the corner. Don't be late."

Changmin nodded as Younghoon walked out of the room, leaving a serious and tense mood behind. "Gotta go. I have work."

Changmin was a little shaken up for some reason. He had a nervous feeling in his gut and he couldn't really explain why. That was his first time speaking, let alone even making eye contact with Younghoon. He couldn't imagine working with Younghoon one-on-one. Frankly, Younghoon just wasn't the type of person that Changmin would be friends, let alone get along with. Younghoon was intimidating, cold and mean. If Changmin wasn't co-captain, and honestly, just a little bit curious to learn more about Younghoon, he would've never volunteered to meet him so late at night just to practice.

"So practice is done...I'll see you guys tomorrow," Changmin said to the group, dismissing them from their meeting.

"Changmin, you didn't have to do that with Younghoon. Don't worry about him," Haknyeon said, placing his hand on the elder's shoulder.

"I'm telling you it's fine. Don't worry about it," Changmin reasoned.

Haknyeon sighed and smiled in agreement before intertwining his hand with Sunwoo's and leaving, along with the other members. Changmin signaled for Chanhee to leave as he finished cleaning up the practice room, thinking about what he had agreed to once more.

Changmin moved slowly down the halls, dragging his feet slowly as he walked deep in thought. On his way to the doors of the school, he passed two teachers talking, when they suddenly caught his ear with their conversation.

"Do you know Kim Younghoon? He's a senior."

"Yes, I have him in my Physics class. Such a bright, and perfect student. He's amazing."

"Yes, that boy is so impressive. He got a 100 on my calculus test I gave today, highest in the class after an 87. I just don't know how he does it. You know that boy is in over eight clubs and works two jobs?"

"That's incredible! Well, what do you expect from the son of Mr. Kim from Hoya Banking? He has a reputation to uphold...a successful and driven family to impress? You know they're probably very pushy and strict at home."

"He must feel a lot of pressure to follow such a successful family. No wonder why he doesn't really talk to anyone though, so focused on his studies and school activities."

"He's going to get into an amazing university for sure. Probably studying business, law or something. At least that's what I hear the family wants."

"Well, regardless he's sure to be fantastic in whatever field he enters...oh hello Changmin!"

Changmin waved at the teacher before walking out of the school. It wasn't until he heard the conversation that he realized how stacked Younghoon really was. He had not one, but two jobs, over eight clubs to attend, and the pressure of his family at home. Yet, he still seemed stress-free, and unbothered. He had everything going for him and balanced everything seemingly no problem. Just how does he do it? Simply put Changmin was put into awe by Younghoon, and honestly speaking, he just wanted to get to know him better, and tomorrow, he would get his chance.

Voices: A Bbangkyu StoryWhere stories live. Discover now