Chapter 12: Inquiring Minds

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Just then Sean's mom knocked on his door.

"Hey boys are you up? It's almost 10." She said from out in the hallway.

"Yeah we're up mom," Sean answered, his voice strained as he fretted over me. Kristen opened the door.

"Oh sorry, am I interrupting?" She asked, looking at Sean with a hint of deviousness in her eyes before they flicked over to me. Whatever she had been thinking clearly left her mind as her expression changed to concern. "What's going on?" I sniffled in response.

"Jake's parents want to talk to him," Sean answered for me without taking his eyes off me. She made an 'oh' with her mouth in aknowledgement before stepping closer to us.

"Hey honey," she said sweetly to me, forcing me to look up at her. She smiled. "It's okay to be nervous, but everything will be fine, trust me." I shook my head.

"I don't think it will be...." I paused. "What if they hate me? What if they kick me out?" I asked.

"I've known your parents for a long time Jake," she answered. "They would never do that. They love you so much. I know things have been rough lately, but trust me, everything will work out. Besides, you have Sean and I here for support." She nudged Sean in the shoulder slightly and he nodded in agreement.  "You need to talk to them though, you've all been through so much. It doesn't do any good to keep secrets." She hugged me. I sniffled again, my eyes still watery.

"I hope you're right," I said weakly, doing my best to give her a small smile of appreciation.

"Jake you have nothing to worry about. As I've told you, you're like my second son. I would never let something bad happen okay?" She said gently. I nodded again.

"Sean will you...will-will you come with me? I don't want to be alone," I asked shyly.

"Of course I will! Let me get dressed okay?" He pecked my lips. I blushed with embarassment at such an act in front of his mother, but she simply smiled with affection.

"You two are the cutest." She stated, looking between us. "I'm so happy!" Sean laughed.

"Mom!" He groaned, causing me to laugh slightly. Sean's face lit up at that.

"Okay sorry," She held her hands up in surrender. "I'm going out to lunch with some friends okay? I'll be back soon. If you guys need anything call me." She said seriously, looking directly at me.

"Thanks mom," Sean said. She nodded and then left the room and closed the door behind her. Sean turned to me. "Do you mind if I take a quick shower? Then we'll go over," He said.

"Yeah that'll be fine."

"You can go get anything you want in the kitchen. I think we've got some cereal," he said over his shoulder as he opened the door and disappeared around the corner towards the bathroom. He didn't wait for my answer so I followed a few seconds later and turned and went down the stairs towards the kitchen.

                                                                                * * * * 

Standing on my front porch, I shivered in anticipation of what was going to happen, hugging myself tightly. Sean stood on my right, looking equally nervous even though he tried to hide it. I knew him well enough to know that he was sticking his hands in his pockets so I wouldn't notice them shaking. Taking a deep breath, I unlocked and opened the door, Sean following obediently behind me. Closing the door I slipped my shoes off and called my parents.

"Mom! Dad! I'm home. Anyone here?" I yelled.

"We're in the living room!" Mom called. I sighed, looking over at Sean. He shrugged.

"Here goes nothing," I told him. He nodded in return.

I began the short walk to the living room from the front door and tried to drag my feet as best I could, a sense of dread settling through me. I had no idea what was going to happen, and it scared the hell out of me. I suddenly felt as though I didn't know my parents at all, rather than knowing them my whole life. How were they going to react? Would they be disappointed even if they pretended to be okay with it? My feet came to an abrupt stop as I entered the living room, causing Sean to bump into me from behind. My parents were sitting on the couch, the television was on but their eyes were focused on me expectantly. Mom's eyes landed on Sean as soon as he came into view from behind me as I locked eyes with my Dad. I could sense the unspoken tension in the air. This was definitely something I didn't need right now, on top of everything else.

"Sean," Dad greeted, nodding his head slightly. My mom just pursed her lips.

"Hey," Sean replied awkwardly, giving him a small wave. I mentally face palmed.

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