Russia x Female!Reader

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A taller male, who seemed to be around your age, strongly gripped the drunk man's wrist, harshly tossing him to the side. Feeling the choking pressure from your throat disappear, made you heave a sigh of relief. The furious man regained his balance and plunged at the tall boy with readied fists, prepared to fight. Unfortunately for the drunk, he got punched to the ground, making him cuss out loud.

This would've taken a few minutes of fighting until you decided to step in. Raising your arms in the air with agitated movements and quickly shaking your head, you signalled the boy to stop fighting with the older man. Your saviour's face softened a bit seeing you, so he slowly toned down and grabbed your hand, hurriedly walking out of the action scene.

You both rounded a corner, hiding from the crowds. Still being dragged by the hand, you looked at the boy. His face was securely covered by his ushanka and a scarf which was wrapped around his neck. Noticing that your hands were still intertwined, you shyly released it from the male's grasp. Finally, both of you came to a stop, he turned around to look at you with a puzzled look in his eyes, but quickly understood your actions.

„Ах простите! Ты в порядке?” the boy questioned in Russian, making you tilt your head in confusion.

„I... Uhm, sorry. I don't understand...” you muttered quietly.

„Oh, that is fine. Excuse me, please. Just wanted to know if you're okay,” the tall male gently repeated himself, this time in English with a tint of Russian accent mixed in.

„Oh, I should be the one excusing myself! I pulled you into this mess, kind sir,” you apologetically bowed to him, making your h/c hair cover your face. „I am extremely thankful! I swear I can repay you somehow,” you insisted.

„Don't sweat it. All I want to know is if you are fine,” the male smiled down at your tiny figure, carefully extending his hand for you to shake.

A warm blush dusted your cheeks as you raised yourself back up and timidly nodded while shaking his hand. „Thank you once again...” you replied with a small grin making its way onto your lips.

„No problem, as if I'm going to leave someone to be beaten up by a drunk idiot,” he stated a bit annoyed by the thought, but quickly shook it off. „Oh, by the way, the name's Russia,” he said breaking the handshake.

„I'm y/n. It is a pleasure to meet you, Russia!” you seemed to finally regain your jolly self again.

„The pleasure's all mine. May I ask what a fine lady like you is doing in this cursed land of coldness and bad economy?” Russia joked about his country, letting out a soft chuckle.

„I don't know, but this place is actually pretty fascinating, in my opinion,” you answered sparing a smile.

„Hm, perhaps, perhaps not,” Russia nodded in agreement „But I do see you have a camera with you,” he pointed at the camera which was hanging around your neck „Maybe by any chance you were taking pictures, eh?” he questioned, curiosity sparking in his tone.

„Oh, what a keen eye you have there, my dear Russia. And you are absolutely correct!” you giggled at yourself.

The Russian's cheeks flushed a light red, his eyes wandering off somewhere else at the words you addressed him as. „Well... If you still want to, I can show you around here and keep company or something...” he mumbled the last part of the sentence into his scarf, making it almost inaudible.

„You would?! Oh, thank you so much! I guess in that case I won't wander off into who knows where,” you chucked, grabbing onto one of Russia's arms, prepared to march off into an adventure around the city.

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