Chapter Thirty One

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"I think we should breakup..." He said not making eye contact.

Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. Oh what's that noise? That's my heart monitor because mine just stopped.

Did he just say that?


I know what he's thinking. I just ruined his entire ten year plan he had for us in the future. But I didn't I promise.

"Just hear me out."

"Hear you say what? Repeat what you just said and have my heart shatter again? Yeah no thanks." Eddie snapped, trying not to cry.

"No, listen. I love you so much and I would never want anything to happen to you. But I honestly feel like everything is getting in the way of our relationship. I don't have my life together yet and I've been relying on you for EVERYTHING."

"Richie I never noticed nor cared that you did that I just felt so happy that you were with me." Eddie choked out.

"I realized I am a messed up person-"

"We all are, Chee."

His cute nickname for me was making this harder. "-and I need to fix myself up and get my life back on track before anything happens because I feel so guilty about relying on you for everything."

"It's that Kayla girl isn't it?"

"What? No. You just automatically assume that. Do you not trust me at all?" The fact that he just assumed that it was that stranger at the vet first before thinking maybe I was telling the truth was getting on my nerves a bit.

"I wouldn't be surprised."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You once said that you weren't gay then four hours later went into a fucking coma and left me alone. Alone, Rich. Everyone left me alone. But I was so in love with you that I just forgot about it because all I wanted was you back. But now that your back I keep remembering it. Every time I see you stupid cute face I think about how you said that you weren't gay. And after what had just happens, maybe it's true." I watched the tears flow down his cheeks. He looked at me the entire time, looking for something in my expression to indicate that I was just joking but it never came.

Brinda jumped into his lap and licked his hands and cheeks. She whined because of how sad he was. I couldn't watch this anymore so I just looked at the vets office though our wind shield.

"You fucking suck Richie! Stay the hell away from me. God, your just like Davis." That stung like a butt cheek on a stick.

"You know what? Start your own damn life knowing that I'm not gonna welcome you back with open arms and I'm not gonna wait for you. I hope you have a nice time without me Rich. I'm taking Brinda too. You keep the stupid car I don't need it I'll walk home." He said, opening his door and getting out.

"Eddie it is a twelve mile walk-"

"Better than sitting in a car with you!" He slammed the door and I could see his red cheeks and eyes and his eyelashes clung together from the tears as he turned away and began his hike home.

What have I done?


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