"Hey Vomit-Boy, I saw your team earlier without their fearless leader and came by to see what's up.

Wide blue eyes met shocked lilac ones as the shrunken teen gave his best imitation of a deer caught in headlights. The smirk that graced the blonde bombshell's lips following the sight of him on the bed was positively predatory.

"When I came to see what you were up to, I didn't expect this! You are adorable, come to Mama Yang!" she said with unfiltered glee as she approached her classmate.

He watched fruitlessly as she picked him up and twirled him around, just like Nora did.

She then held Jaune in front of her, holding the regressed teen at eye-level.

"Enjoying the view Jauney-boy?" she teased.

Raising an eyebrow, the boy looked down from his position to where Yang was gesturing. Her smirk grew even bigger as he gazed upon her breasts.

"I'm kiddi-" her jest was silenced when her breath hitched at the cute scene of the once dorky leader scratching his cheek and looking very confused.

"It's like I can tell you're really, really pretty... but I don't care? Maybe by hormones turned off? I feel like I'm missing out..." the longer he talked the more confused he got and the more Yang was smiling.

The boy in her arms perked up and pointed to her.

"Especially your hair! It's super pretty!" that took the girl by surprise, and pushed her over the edge.

Squealing, she clutched the boy tightly and brought her face to his and began rubbing her cheek against his.

"It's too much!" she cried, hugging the boy, whose face was a mix between uncomfortable and happy that he made his friend happy.

They sat there, talking about a few things here and there, but mostly it was just Yang cuddling the adorable baby. Looking at one of the clocks in the room, she gasped.

"Come on Jauney. Time to go!" the blonde said to her small companion as she stood up, bringing the unprepared boy back into her arms as she stood up.

"Um... I'm not supposed to leave the room. Ren said so." The boy told her as he was easily hoisted into the air and towards the door.

"Think of it like this Jauney. Isn't it better if you go to a room with people in it so you can be supervised?" she said, opening the door and closing it again once they were outside.

Pondering, the child-knight nodded. "I guess that makes sense when you say it like that..." he added as within a few strides of Yang's long legs, they stood, meaning Yang who was holdin Jaune, at the front of Team RWBY's dorm.

"Exactly. You can trust big Mama Yang to take care of you. Plus, Blake and Rubes will absolutely adore you like this..." she added the last bit under her breath. Mentally preparing herself for all the incredibly cute pictures she was about to take and lord over her sister team's leader.

The door to the other room opened and the duo(Yang)stepped in. Garnering the attention of the other two occupants... okay well just the one. Weiss looked at the pair, rolled her eyes and went back to working at her desk.

Blake on the other hand raised one of her delicate eyebrows from behind her book.

"Yang... why do have a baby that looks like Jaune in your arms?" she asked, sounding both confused and amused at the two blondes. Jaune squirmed a little under her gaze.

Of course, the squirming meant he was uncomfortable, making Yang's grin return.

"Jauney here had a little accident and I, being the generous person I am, couldn't just leave him all alone next door. So now we are babysitting, here you go Blakey." The boisterous blonde walked over and unceremoniously deposited the baby boy onto her lap.

"Um... Blake?" his tiny voice asked, trying to ignore the pictures Yang was taking, undoubtedly to use as blackmail later.

A small hum was his que to continue. At this point, even Weiss was giving some of her attention towards the display.

"Why are you cuddling me?"

Her amber eyes lazily fell onto his upturned face and she gave him a weak smirk.

"You are small and adorable. These are all things that made me want to do this... so get comfy. I plan on finishing this book today."

Jaune sighed, knowing that this might take a while, settled into a comfier position while Blake continued with her book. However, Jaune couldn't fight off the affects of sleeps as he felt the cold embrace of sleep envelop him.

Jaune The Little HunterWhere stories live. Discover now