Chapter 1

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"Oh my head." Echoed the words of Jaune Arc as he got out of bed this morning. He looked around to see the rest of his team(NPR)were still asleep. Pyrrha was sleeping tight'y while Lie Ren, or just Ren, seemed to have a snoring Nora Valkyrie stuck to his back. Trudging to the bathroom, he had a quick shower, brushed his teeth. Eventually, after about an hour of playing game on  his scroll he notice Pyrrha doing the same as he did, trudge to the bathroom to start the day, the same happening with Ren and Nora, the latter just bolting in and out as quick as lightning.

Classes were a breeze for his aching head as with Grimm studies, he just heard one of Professor Port's stories, History, well, he couldn't even keep up with what Dr. Oobleck saying and lastly Battle Class, which he wasn't called on gladly. He trained a bit with Pyrrha to work on his shield work and strolled back to his dorm and got some sleep. He woke up the next morning and got a morning stroll around the campus to try to get rid of the still ever present headache, which failed, before deciding to go back to his dorm, ready to relax for a day.

That was, until the hyper Nora decided to ruin it. As soon as he close the door he was assaulted with a bone crushing hug from Nora.

"Hello fearless leader! Back from training I see." Nora cheered as she crushed his spine even more.

"Nora! Your crushing Jaune's spine!" Ren scolded. Nora then let go of Jaune who promptly fell to the floor in pain.

"Oops, sorry Jaune-Jaune." Nora apologised.

"Jaune are you alright?" Pyrrha asked worriedly.

"Yeah, just gotta let my Aura heal the damage." Jaune groaned in response. The white flare of his Aura rushed to heal Jaune's damaged spine, only the glow didn't fade, it grew brighter and brighter until it completely engulfed the teen.

"Jaune!" Pyrrha cried as the light reached it's apex, forcing them all to look away. When they felt the light die down, the remaining member of team JNPR looked to see a pile of clothes and armour.

"Jaune?" A worried Pyrrha asked. Before she could say anything else they noticed a bump moving around in the clothes before a tiny, 6 month old boy's head popped out of the hoodie's head(hole), the boy's head looking suspiciously like Jaune.

"Huh, my head-ache's gone-wait why's my voice so differ-" Jaune question before looking up at the towering forms of his team-mates.

"Woah, your so big!" Jaune exclaimed looking up at them. He was then suddenly plucked from the ground by Nora who spun him around. He was lucky that his hoodie barely kept from falling off otherwise he would have been naked.

"Jaune-Jaune, you so short now!" Nora squealed as she spun him around.

"This must be your semblance, or part of it I suppose." Ren theorised.

'So cute, can't handle it.' Pyrrha thought, continuing to stare at Jaune.

"Nora, put Jaune on the bed, we need to go out to do something. Your coming as well Pyrrha." Ren said monotonously, making Nora pouted before setting Jaune on his bed. This also snapped Pyrrha out of her daze before he left along with Ren and Nora.

'I wonder where they're going?' Jaune wondered before picking out his scroll, which had been in his hoodie's pocket and started playing games, which proved to be difficult with his hands hardly responding to what he says.

After about half an hour of playing games Jaube heard thundering footsteps coming down the hall. At first he ignored it but then it seemed that the footsteps were also coming...closer?


The door was flung open to reveal the a rambunctious blonde by the name of Yang Xiao-Long.

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