Chapter 17: Calm Hides A Storm

Start from the beginning

"Everyone's...alive," Leo reassured. "No deaths, at far. But there's a lot  of injuries. No bueno, chica."

"That explains why you look like that," I told him. "But why does Frank look like that ?"

"That's the second problem," Frank joined in. "The Hecate kids messed up earlier, a part of the barrier was open for hours on end, and monsters got in. That's why  the bunker was destroyed."

"How did we not hear THAT ?"

"It was in the South Woods, on the other side of camp. You wouldn't have heard it even if you were outside," Frank reassured her.

"The South  Woods...?" I asked hesitantly.

"Oh." Frank looked down. "Yeah."


"Annabeth," Leo spoke up. "You're gonna have to come with us. Don't panic, but-"

"Oh my gods," I muttered, and I sprinted off.

The boys called for me as they followed me to the infirmary, but I was too stressed to think. I knew I shouldn't have left camp for so long, because people get hurt. And things go wrong. My mind was spinning, and I almost fell over halfway to the infirmary.

Katie was near the infirmary. She noticed me, sprinted in front of my running body, and held me by my shoulders.

"Annabeth, calm down," Katie ordered. "Everything's fine."

"Is he okay?" I asked. My breath was ragged, my eyes stung from tears and lack of sleep, and I was exhausted from my sprint.

Katie didn't answer, she just gave me a look of sympathy. Once I realized I pushed her aside and ran inside. "Annabeth, wait, please-"

"Where the Hades is he?" I growled. Conscious patients flinched at my voice, and every doctor jumped. Including Will. He rushed over to me.

"Annabeth, don't panic. He's-"

" me where he is? Please."

Will guided me to the back of the infirmary. Two bodies lie on two beds.

One was Jason. A gash on his forehead had bled out all over the left side of his face. A large wound in his abdomen was being tended to by Annelies Bigos, an Apollo kid. He winced every time the cloth touched the wound, and I didn't blame him. The slash was humongous, infected, and still bleeding profusely. 

At the edge of his bed was his girlfriend, who's braids were messy and more stressed than usual. Piper's eyes were puffy and red from crying, and she and Jason were holding hands so hard that their knuckles were white. Every chance he got, Jason would wipe one of Piper's tears away.

And then there was Percy.

He kept insisting that he see me immediately, but he had nothing to worry about for me. My condition was fine. His, however...

Percy's nose was busted, and it was the color of Hades's soul cloak. A large trail of blood streamed from the side of his lip, all over his cheek, down to his neck, and slightly down his abdomen. He had a few bruises on his body, big  bruises, and his left ankle was destroyed.

He quickly noticed me. "Annabeth."

"Oh my gods, Percy-"

Percy grabbed my hand and pulled me down into a kiss. "I'll be fine, Annabeth. This isn't as bad as it has been."

I knew what he meant. Tartarus. He was right, he was much  more beat up then than he is now.

Hazel was in between the two beds, also crying, and watching both of the boys be tended to. All she had was a scratch on her forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2019 ⏰

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