Chapter 7: A Helper You Thought You Knew

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{Nico's POV}

My first reaction to the flying arrow was to attack the monster who shot it.

But, naturally, I can't kill my "cousin." That's frowned upon in modern society.  It was none other than Pinecone Face Grace herself who shot the arrow. But something was off.

Her hair was longer, therefore, less spiky and more choppy. Thalia's blue eyes had lost a bit of their electric glint. She was stronger, and from a guy's perspective, hotter, but from a guy who's not interested.

"Why are you...why are you so, so tiny ?" she asked.

"Us? Why are you so big? Whatever happened to Lieutenant Thalia?" Annabeth asked.

Thalia snorted. "Lieutenant Thalia? Haven't been called that in years."

"Years? But you don' don't age," Katie pointed out.

"Yes, I do! Are you guys alright? You guys are acting so weird! Why are you-" Thalia stopped, and her eyes grew wide. "Αλλαγή χρόνου. Oh my gods, the Αλλαγή χρόνου! I should've seen it! There's no old are you guys?"







"Woah," Thalia muttered. "I'm in the past."

"The past?" I asked. "You came from the future?"

"Yeah. Αλλαγή χρόνου, it means Time Changer for you Romans. Artemis gave it to me to watch for Chronos and Hecate, but now...I guess I'm here. I've been trying to get it to work for weeks now. I guess it only works when it wants to..."

"Wait, how many years in the future are you from?" Hazel asked.

"Um, from the looks of it, about thirty," Thalia answered.

"Wait! So you know about the legacies?" Piper asked.

Thalia's eyes widened. "The...legacies? What do you mean?"

"There are these kids from the future. Apparently, one of them is Piper and Jason's kid and another is Annabeth and Percy's," I explained.

Thalia's eyes watered. ", they're alive?"

"I guess?" Clarisse answered. "They're behind you, with the guys."

Thalia turned and I heard the tears in her voice. "Oh my gods...they're alive, and they're teenagers. They made it that far...oh my gods. Is that...?"

"Who?" Calypso asked.

"Leah..." Thalia sobbed.

" daughter?" Annabeth questioned.

"It's been so long...are your other kids here?"

We gaped at Thalia and looked at Annabeth, snickering. Annabeth was redder than a tomato. "O - other kids? I have, err, more kids?!"

Thalia laughed weakly. "Yeah. Zoelle, Luke, and Leah."

"THREE KIDS?! I have three kids, with that Percy Jackson, right there?"

"Yeah, they're my godchildren," Thalia murmered. ", no is that LJ and Griffin? My niece and nephew...I haven't seen them in so long..."

Piper spit out her water. "N...niece and nephew? I...I have t-two kids?"

"Yeah...Bia?! Oh my gods, Bianca!"

"Lemme guess, another Percababy?" Clarisse laughed.

"'s Nico's daughter."

"Hold on, hold the Hades on! Me? Kid? WHO?!" I stammered.

"Will, Aphrodite, long story, but you didn't do...anything to...yeah."


"I'm assuming you want to know who the others are?" Thalia laughed. We nodded.

"Well, that's Blake and Corey Valdez, which means..."

"Wait! Someone actually agreed  to have a kid with Leo Valdez?!" Clarisse exclaimed.

"She's sitting right behind you." We rotated to see Calypso, redder than that gem on her sandal.

"Kid...Leo...talked...twins...oh gods..."

Thalia laughed. "Yeah. Aphrodite blessed you to have kids because you weren't able to. Something with your curse."


"Uh, that's Landon Rodriguez, so...yeah, it's Clarisse's son..." 

"Hold up! What?"

"Marietta! Marietta Zhang, it's Frank and Ha-"


"Yeah, she did, and Marietta loves you." That left me speechless.

"And last but not least, there are the Stolls. Katie and Travis' kids. Never got to meet Miry-"


I turned to see Katie as red as a tomato. "Oh yeah! Forgot to tell y'all. Katie and Travis are secretly dating, they tried to hide it for like a year. It was hilarious."

"Really?" Piper asked. Katie nodded.

"And...why is my hand freaking invisible ?!"

We looked at Thalia to see her hand was in fact invisible. "You're fading...I think you're going back to the future," Annabeth warned.

"Here," Thalia handed us a big black book. "I'll come back when I can. This is a diary, it'll tell you what you need to know. But...tell your boyfriends! Please? If I come back, and they don't know, I'm telling them. I'll see you soon guys!" And with that, she was gone.

"Well, okay then," Piper muttered. "So, uh, let's go tell our boyfriends."

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