Are y'all ready to get kawaii as fuck?

Start from the beginning

Looking up, thinking that there's some weird ass weather going on, he suddenly sees a large mass of black with talons fly right at his face. And just like that, little Franku is just gone from this plain of grassy existence. Now entering the domain of being whisked away by a shitting Nevermore, and taken to wherever the fuck it's going, whilst screaming his Japanese ass off.

Back at the upside down truck in the tree, team RWBY finally arrives at the scene. Just staring at the now useless truck along with the now spoiled desserts scattered about.

Yang: Not gonna lie, that's impressive.

Weiss: His bodies not anywhere around, so he might be close by.

Ruby: That's cryptic to say, Weiss. Anything to go on?

Weiss: There's some footprints in the dirt and cake that look like they lead to the nearby lake. We should move quick. Who knows what could eat him out here.

Ruby: Again, cryptic.

Not wanting to waste time, they quickly move towards where they think Frank is. Meanwhile, not at the lake, the Nevermore continues carrying the man in question across the sky. Its talons digging into his flesh, drawing blood, giving Frank the fourth most excruciating pain he has ever experienced in his entire filthy existence.

On the upside, he has a gorgeous view of the forest as he's being hauled away to his impending doom.

From the corner of his eye, Frank notices that the forest comes to an end. Turning his head to that direction, he sees what seems to be the edge of the forest and spots... CIVILIZATION!!! A few miles out, Frank sees a city just on the edge of the horizon. All he needs to do is not die and make his way there. Even if the first part is very tempting for him.

Just then, the Nevermore arrives at a mountain, making its way to a large birds nest at the very top. It hovers above and just lets Frank go. He drops into the nest with a hard thud. Stick and stones aren't exactly great for soft landings. The Nevermore soon takes its leave back to the forest. Frank stands back up and gives the Grimm bird his twin birds.

Taking a moment to collect himself, Frank walks over to the edge of the nest and looks down... Yep, that's about a few hundred feet of long falling followed by sharp looking rocks at the bottom.

Frank: Well, chicken pussy. How the fuck do I get down besides think happy thoughts and jumping?


Frank: Tweet?

Turning around, Frank suddenly spots what looks like three baby Nevermores staring at him curiously. All three almost as large as him.

 All three almost as large as him

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Frank:........ Huh. That's actually kinda cute.

One of the babies sniffs at his direction for a few seconds. Wondering who this newcomer is..... It soon lets out an earpiercing screech. Followed by the other two as they just realized it's dinner time. All three of them now charging at him.


He quickly pulls out his pistols.

Back to the larger Nevermore that just ditched Frank, it casually continues to fly off. Suddenly, it hears several gunshots behind it followed by familiar screeching. It falters in the air as it tries to quickly turn around, making a beeline back to the nest as fast as it can. As it finally arrives, it lands on the edge of the nest and frantically looks around.

Dead center in the nest, its three babies lie motionless in a pile. Their forms slowly dissolving to smoke. In disbelief, mama Nevermore leans forward at the pile. As it draws near, Frank suddenly jumps out of the pile with a large feather in hand.

Frank: Tweet!

He jams the dagger-like feather into the Nevermores eye and quickly latches himself to its head. The beast bellows out a painful cry as it soon takes to the air. Frantically flying around to shake its assalent off.

Back down on earth, team RWBY continue to make their way to the lake in search of Frank. At the back of the group, Yang hears a screech from above and soon looks up in curiosity. Just barely visible, she sees what appears to be a Nevermore spazzing out in the air and screaming.

Yang: Huh. That's one retarded Nevermore.

She continues walking with her team. Completely unaware that that is the same Nevermore that Frank is currently face fucking with a feather. Slowly making his way towards the city with the aid of his unwilling helper.

[Location: Some shitty castle in some shitty landscape]

Within the meeting hall of the Grimm Castle, Salem just sits around with her thumb up her ass doing fuck all. As she contemplates on whether or not if she should kill herself again, the doors across the room open a little as a familiar faunus head pops in.

Tyrian: Mis-

Salem: What do you want, Tyrian?

Tyrian: Umm, well... Hazel and I seem to have found an intruder within the castle.

Salem: And I assume, for your sake, they're already dead before you got here.

Tyrian: Th-that's the thing. We tried to kill him, and Hazel almost lost an arm. We managed to restrain him and are hoping you might know of a way to dispose of him, my lady.

Salem: "absolutely annoyed groan" Fine. Bring him in.

Tyrian disappears behind the doors. A moment later, sounds of struggling can be hear as the doors swing open. Hazel walks in with a tied up intruder in his arms, flailing about trying to escape. The large man tosses him to the floor and quickly steps back. Bruises and cuts litter his body as he breathes heavily. Salem looks down at the intruder. A spindly man in a strange black suit, his arms tied to his torso with chains and a sack covering his head.

Salem: So, you dare trespass my inner sanctum and attack my minions? Tell me, who are you and why shouldn't I feed your carcass to my Grimm?

The intruder remains silent. Slightly annoying Salem.

Salem: Answer when spoken to, you pathetic-

???: Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo. (Shut your fuck hole and get this shit off of me, you cunt.)

Salem's eyes widen in shock. Not from what he said, but from what he said.

Salem: L-Lord Chin Chin...


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