Thirteen ✔

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The following days were quite peaceful in comparison to what had happened before. I went back to work the next day, covering every line of fatigue with cosmetics, hoping no one would catch on to my problems and become worried; or worse, start asking questions.

Questions I don't have an answer for.

The truth is that, even if my body decides to grant me some sleep, my mind has other plans. Releasing monsters that exist with the sole purpose of breaking all that is still whole in my mind, plunging my thoughts into darkness until I fear the very act of closing my eyes.

The only thing that had given me some sense of satisfaction was the absence of water and medicine on my nightstand.

"Vic?" A voice breaks into my thoughts, filtering through the fog that took up permanent residency there. "Victoria? Have you been listening to a single word I've said?"

I jump when a hand appears in front of my face, waving frantically. Snapping my eyes to my annoyed looking friend, I send her a sheepish smile. "Sorry Sam, my mind was just somewhere else."

My gaze lowers to the papers strewn across the front desk of the hospital lobby, patient information, appointment dates, and pretty much everything that can give someone a headache.

"I can see that, girl. You were totally out of it." She raises a questioning eyebrow, concern seeping into her forest green eyes. "You okay there?"

I hesitate for a second, not knowing how much I'm willing to give away. On the one hand, Samantha has been one of my only friends for as long as I can remember. She doesn't know much about my life but we've had a lasting friendship nonetheless. On the other hand, however, I know that even if I wanted to tell her the truth, I would never be able to. Not really. Not about myself, nor about what happened the previous week.

"I'm just really tired." I say, a yawn breaking past my lips as confirmation. "Had a long week."

Plus it was close to twelve o'clock at night, a quiet time in the hospital which sadly still requires open and alert eyes.

But it isn't entirely false either, I had a long week because a mysterious man collapsed in front of my car, slept in my bed and then I've been spending so much time with him. I don't know what to think of that. All my thoughts seemed to revolve around those few hours, nitpicking at everything that occurred as if there might be some clue as to what the frick actually happened.

I came up blank every single time. 

"Mhmm, sure." Her voice takes on a mischievous tone that I don't like, not one bit. "You can't fool me, darlin'. "That look on your face says it all."

I sigh, eyeing her carefully. "What look?"

A smile spreads across her lips, lighting up her whole face and adding to the unease in my stomach.

"Oh, nothing, just that look of a completely love sick-- ah!" A screeching laugh bursts from her chest as I throw my body against hers, pushing her small frame to the side.

My own laughter soon joins hers as we tumble from our spinny chairs onto the floor. Lying in a heap of laughter, wheezing on the ground. Tears burn my eyes, and for once they're not of the bad kind.

"What was that for?" Sam says, shooting a playful glare in my direction and extending her hands for me to take. "That wasn't very professional, Ms. Forbes." She mocks and we burst into another fit of giggles.

The moment is interrupted by a small beeping noise sounds from the desk, accompanied by a flashing red light, letting us know that a patient is calling.

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