Chapter Twenty: Dealing with the Devil

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I am changing some things in this in regards to Lucifer 'cause hey, who doesn't like a little change here n there? I started watching it a while ago and I love it, it's so good and I finished season 4 a month or so ago and wow I need season 5. anyway, changes, you already know, back to the book.

"Who are you?" Lena asked, balling her fist to restrain herself from punching him. "And spell it out, please."

"Oh, it's not that hard." He turned around and drew with his finger in the air, messily spelling out his name in red letters that enflamed in the air.

"Alright, Lucifer Morningstar," Kara read with slight confusion before the letters disappeared and he turned back with a grin, "what do you want?"

"Simple. I am a former angel and the former prince and ruler of Hell—"

"Oh, so you're the devil," Lena chuckles. "Yeah, that's not okay."

"Well, I can bring out your biggest desires," he intrigues as he steps slightly forward, grinning more devilishly.

Kara groaned, putting her head in her hand. "Oh, bloody hell."

"Oh, hell yes." Kara whipped around at his sudden movement, Lucifer standing right there behind her, materialized out of thin air with a grin on his face. "Ms. Danvers. A competitor, ey? This will be quite a battle for her love."

"You chose the wrong fight to pick with a Danvers."

"Is that right, Ms. Dorky-Cardigan?" He looked her up and down, even if she wasn't wearing one of her many sweaters. "Honestly, you could do better than this reporter, I mean—"

"Do something to her, you'll find your hands full with me," she growled.

"Oh, you're easy to handle though, love. She, on the other hand, not so much."

"Listen here, you little—"

"I don't think you'd want to mess with me, blondie," he warned as she drew nearer, his gaze threatening and his eyes flashed red.

"Just because I'm the Danvers that's not a part of the FBI doesn't mean I'm not skilled enough to do something to you in ways you wouldn't even—"

"Okay, that's enough." Lucifer snapped his fingers and Kara disappeared with a spark of fire, leaving Lena to gape where she once stood.

"Where is she?!??"

"Oh, she'll be fine. Just serving a little time out, that's all."

Kara looked around in shock and immediately went up to bang against the glass window in a DEO cell block. "Goddammit!!!"

Lena steps closer to him, threatening, "Bring her back right now or I swear, it will not end well for you."

"Ooh, feisty," Lucifer says with a charming grin. "That can be quite useful in—"

"You need to leave. Now. Go back to whatever Hell you came from."

"Well, if I go back without you, then what's the fun in that?" he almost whines.

"Plenty fun for me because I get to stay with my girlfriend and away from you."

"See, I know what's happened lately," Lucifer says with a smile, spreading his hands out before he laces them together, "and I do apologize for your inconvenience about your insanely dry sex life—"

"Whatever goes on between me and Kara is certainly none of your business."

"See, that's the thing." Lena shifts her weight onto one foot, crossing her arms and raising a single eyebrow at him. "Jack? Jack Spheer?" Her eyebrow went up at his name. "Yeah, I'm friends with him actually, and you see, I have the power to draw out someone's true desire," he says, taking slow steps towards her as he fidgets with his thumb and index finger that's made into a fist in the air. "And it's worked numerous times on him."

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